These guys were fighting for freedom and tolerance, and got assassinated by some pricks that use Islam as a tool to enslave societies. The saddest part tho, is that it'll lead on something they wanted to avoid, another rise of muslim-hating, produced by mostly extreme right winged people, pretending to act for the people of France/occidental societies. People hating on muslims because of that should maybe reflect on the fact they aren't respecting the memories of the victims, they're doing the opposite, generalizing hate on everyone, regardlessy of who they are in fact, just because they belong to a group of people because of their origins, names, or just their color of skin. What would have happenned if the murderers were in fact some extremist christians ? Would you hate all christians of the world for that ? The way this thread took is just incredibly sad.
That. From A to Z.
They want people to hate on muslims, that's the sole purpose of this kind of terror. They want to make more segregation, more separation between french and muslims. More souls to go die for IS in stead of having a successful life. Radicalization on both sides. So people like Panos actually fits perfectly in their plan. Right wingers need muslims and radical muslims need them. And the general racism in society. I do agree that it's an exceptionally trashy and probably brainwashing religion though. Praying 5 times a day can't be good for staying cool and objective.
What's the deal about greek right wing anyway Panos? Blaming your misery on immigrants and turks? A need to invent a new greek masculinity?
When fact is you are just greek. Lazy and corruptible. I mean, sure 2000 years ago you were awesome, but something got lost on the way..
Anyway what's pretty clear is that most people need someone to look down on and often blame to feel better about ourselves. This mechanism is abused by how Islam is practiced as well as in Nationalistic movements.
"It's not you who suck, it's the game thats rigged. Join our cause for justice!"