Author Topic: Everybody thinks every class is nerfed?Well they are equal!  (Read 685 times)

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Offline The_Newer_Wind

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Everybody thinks every class is nerfed?Well they are equal!
« on: January 08, 2011, 10:14:12 pm »
Well, I have tried every class from cav to archers, they all seem ok, everybody says all their classes are nerfed to death. Everyone! So doesnt it make sense your fighting the wrong people? Archers, you shoot people without shields, 2 handers and polearmers you take care of turtles, cav you take care of people without long weapons, 1 handers with shields you take care of archers, pikes and polearms you take care of cav! Every class has its weakness! People seem to fight the people their class is weak to! So if everyone thinks all there classes are nerfed, doesnt it make sense they are all even? Yeah! Archers complain they are to slow, but infantry doesnt tell them how much damage and annoyingness they do to them! Cav complains of pikemen and 2 handers, but it was hard for them to adapt and kill you! People complain about cav, well horses cost a whole lotta money and a whole lotta upkeep, so you dont see many! Also horses have low hp, and ones that have high hp cost more than 2 flambergs! So balanced, Every class thinks their nerfed, well to tell you the truth, your all EQUAL!! Say, and scream, and rage all you want, but your classes are equal, find every imperfection, then find every perfection, its all equal!
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 11:29:48 pm by The_Newer_Wind »

Offline Airith

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Re: Everybody thinks every class is nerfed?Well their equal!
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2011, 11:22:57 pm »

well their equal.
well they ARE equal.
well they're equal.

also you're. same principle as above.

OT: I agree. Although there are some kinks to iron out. Prices, upkeep, throwing is overpowered, etc.
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Offline The_Newer_Wind

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Re: Everybody thinks every class is nerfed?Well they are equal!
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2011, 01:29:46 am »
Sorry, typo. English is not my first language anyway