I remember that back when WotR was announced, a lot of the focus was on the things which set it aside from other games alike. For example the mini-games which were embedded into the ranged weaponry(so no random shots would be fired as is the case in M&B), they also put their spotlights on the incredible accurate hit registration(which in M&B sucks). Overall polish was also a big thing, again missing from M&B. They didn't actually mention the things that were missing in the competition's games but managed to get an excited audience anyway. Melee needs to have more things setting it aside from the things we already have, stronghold is one of them, 360* combat is also a point(but might scare people off because it sounds so hard to control, which is also being emphasised by the devs in the video) and the big ass scale is alos great, but I feel that there could be more focus on more new and innovative features.
Make people drool over the immense sieges that take place: give them goosebumps from seeing fifty players form a shieldwall to protect the archers, let them see a siege tower full of fierce warriors jump over the wall and wreck havoc, see how awsome a mass cavalry charge can be(and how scary if you're targeted by one), let countless arrows fly passt a characters ears. give emotion to the clips you guys make. That is the reason I bought M&B in the first place, I got so excited to possibly be one of the guys jumping over the battlements the brutally slaughter the archers scum hiding behind them, show emotion in the clips, I think that is key. Unfortunately, is this stage of the developement it is very difficult to make someone feel that fire start to burn deep inside them, because it is so early on. After having seen al the clips you guys made, my opinion is that everything still looks very bland and not smooth, the game needs polishing.
Maybe to show the press some good stuff, try getting one aspect of the game right first, for example 2h duelling, polish it up realy nice, get those specific animations up to a high standard, realise a very small map to go with it, get one specific set of armor out(again, really good one) and let people have a go, this way some vids can alreay be made by some populair youtubers, you get a response on the 360* combat and if done correctly, you might be able to get money out if it. The thing is, imo you guys are doing so many different things at a time, no single part of the game has a really good version of it.