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Author Topic: Does cRPG community lift? [NEW POLL MUPFUGGAZ]  (Read 12184 times)

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Re: Does cRPG community lift? [NEW POLL MUPFUGGAZ]
« Reply #105 on: May 18, 2016, 04:40:51 am »

unlike most of you nerds. I have sex 1 1/3 times a day.
Wich does more then a workout will ever do.

Healthy chemical balance
It makes me glow, cause of collagen
It gives me an overall better workout.. then going to the gym, several positions in 25 minutes.
Beats despressive feelings and stress
And it makes me even more attractive then i already am.
It makes me more attractive to the opposite sex.
And two people profit and enjoy from it at the same time.

Going to a gym, and having lonely "workouts" with some machines, nobs and dumbells... would make me feel very miserable and despressed. Cant imaging someone living a proper natural and fulfilled life, needs to seek outside sources and go out of his/her way to keep in shape.


So what do you do with the other 23 hours and 57 minutes of your day?

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Re: Does cRPG community lift? [NEW POLL MUPFUGGAZ]
« Reply #106 on: May 18, 2016, 05:50:14 am »

So what do you do with the other 23 hours and 57 minutes of your day?

Foreplay, you got to treat the ladies nice. Something a nerd wont understand  :wink:
Love will tear us apart.
Also, most fucked up brain of the year award goes to jambi. Well done.


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Re: Does cRPG community lift?
« Reply #107 on: May 18, 2016, 08:59:02 am »
Sorry to be the know-it-all, but that's a romanian deadlift then. On the Stiff legged deadlift every rep starts from the ground just like on the conventional.

Welp, didn't know that. Guess I'm doing romanians then. My program originally says that I should be doing stiff-legged but I'm having a hard time stretching all the way down with arms + since it's also a grip exercise, I prefer romanians.

That being said, I also loved doing normal deadlifts, but with weight increases it plateaued (what a word) because of my shit grip.

Offline WarLord

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Re: Does cRPG community lift?
« Reply #108 on: May 18, 2016, 09:47:05 am »
wow back+triceps combination is killer mate. i do deadlift as my final exercise because its impossible to train any muscles after deadlift :oops:

I'm at 1,7 x bw deadlift working weight and deadlift is of course the first exercise?! And I do like at least 5-6 other exercises (including overheadpress, chin-ups with additional weight and some other heavy shit) after that.

You mirin brah??  :P

Welp, didn't know that. Guess I'm doing romanians then. My program originally says that I should be doing stiff-legged but I'm having a hard time stretching all the way down with arms + since it's also a grip exercise, I prefer romanians.

That being said, I also loved doing normal deadlifts, but with weight increases it plateaued (what a word) because of my shit grip.

Yeah, I really didn't know the exact difference between the deadlift variations until I spent like 4 hours ONLY on reading about the deadlift and watching british, american and german powerlifting and bodybuilding videos haha.

There even is a minority that believes stiff legged deadlift and romanian is the same exercise and some that even believe you never set the weight down on the floor after each rep on every deadlift exercise. But those people are simply wrong. The consensus is what I said.

For grip strenght: Try the mixed grip, it works! I never dared to try it for a long time because of stories about a torn bicep on the supinated hand/arm. But that's bullshit. Only with heavy ass weights (like from 200 kg +,) not enough flexibility and not warming up enough.

I used straps from like 130 kg, because I couldn't handle them with normal double overhand grip, but my back was WAY stronger (you feel and know that with some experience). So I used straps until 160 kg. And then some guy said: Use the mixed grip bro. I thought: Oh god, you will fail so hard to move the weight any cm up without straps now. And then, it felt like nothing using the mixed grip. 160 kg felt like about 100 kg with the mixed grip.  :wink:

I was doing normal deadlifts for a pretty long time now, and I start to do another bodybuilding bulking routine again from this week on, so I will do heavy ass powerlifitng style squats (low bar) but stiff legged deadlift (which comes with alot less weight naturally then normal deadlift) to give my tormented lower back some rest.
Conventional deadlift is one of my favorite exercises, but if you don't need strenght that goes beyond a very good basic strenght, so to say, if you are a bodybuilder or just want to build muscle, there is no need to always do conventional deadlifts. It's THE exercise for strenght, but for sure not THE exercise for building (alot of) muscle mass.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 09:56:27 am by WarLord »

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Re: Does cRPG community lift? [NEW POLL MUPFUGGAZ]
« Reply #109 on: May 18, 2016, 12:19:30 pm »
If grip is the problem, although it takes a little while to get used to, you could try a hook grip.

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And how!

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Re: Does cRPG community lift? [NEW POLL MUPFUGGAZ]
« Reply #110 on: May 18, 2016, 12:35:51 pm »
I have sex 1 1/3 times a day. It gives me an overall better workout.. then going to the gym, several positions in 25 minutes.

Wrong, sex gives you good stamina and hip thrust power but thats all.
You need to workout if you want that body fam, grab a bench and make yourself at ease!

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Re: Does cRPG community lift? [NEW POLL MUPFUGGAZ]
« Reply #111 on: May 18, 2016, 02:20:15 pm »
You my old friends should really post some pictures. Judging by the comments some should look like Arnie in his prime.
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  Spam at The Temple of Spam

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Re: Does cRPG community lift?
« Reply #112 on: May 18, 2016, 02:30:12 pm »
I'm at 1,7 x bw deadlift working weight and deadlift is of course the first exercise?! And I do like at least 5-6 other exercises (including overheadpress, chin-ups with additional weight and some other heavy shit) after that.

You mirin brah??  :P

Yeah, I really didn't know the exact difference between the deadlift variations until I spent like 4 hours ONLY on reading about the deadlift and watching british, american and german powerlifting and bodybuilding videos haha.

There even is a minority that believes stiff legged deadlift and romanian is the same exercise and some that even believe you never set the weight down on the floor after each rep on every deadlift exercise. But those people are simply wrong. The consensus is what I said.

For grip strenght: Try the mixed grip, it works! I never dared to try it for a long time because of stories about a torn bicep on the supinated hand/arm. But that's bullshit. Only with heavy ass weights (like from 200 kg +,) not enough flexibility and not warming up enough.

I used straps from like 130 kg, because I couldn't handle them with normal double overhand grip, but my back was WAY stronger (you feel and know that with some experience). So I used straps until 160 kg. And then some guy said: Use the mixed grip bro. I thought: Oh god, you will fail so hard to move the weight any cm up without straps now. And then, it felt like nothing using the mixed grip. 160 kg felt like about 100 kg with the mixed grip.  :wink:

I was doing normal deadlifts for a pretty long time now, and I start to do another bodybuilding bulking routine again from this week on, so I will do heavy ass powerlifitng style squats (low bar) but stiff legged deadlift (which comes with alot less weight naturally then normal deadlift) to give my tormented lower back some rest.
Conventional deadlift is one of my favorite exercises, but if you don't need strenght that goes beyond a very good basic strenght, so to say, if you are a bodybuilder or just want to build muscle, there is no need to always do conventional deadlifts. It's THE exercise for strenght, but for sure not THE exercise for building (alot of) muscle mass.

Yeah, I did try a mixed grip, it helped a lot already, but it was still limiting my DL. Back felt like it could lift a lot more, but the grip just couldn't keep holding the bar. Then again I am doing a bodybuilding routine (a variation of All Pro, I'm guessing you know about it), so I'm not too bothered with not progressing my normal DL. I will work on it when I decide to build some strength again.

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Re: Does cRPG community lift? [NEW POLL MUPFUGGAZ]
« Reply #113 on: May 18, 2016, 03:28:15 pm »
Whenever a lifter walks into a fighting gym:

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Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: Does cRPG community lift? [NEW POLL MUPFUGGAZ]
« Reply #114 on: May 18, 2016, 05:22:23 pm »
You my old friends should really post some pictures. Judging by the comments some should look like Arnie in his prime.

They already did, most of them look fat like 90% of aspiring bodybuilders :lol: Some of them like Saxon for instance are more defined, but thanks to use of interesting substances and not exceptionally disciplined regime. Non of them shitlords are capable sticking to their own words and that's why drug industry thrives in bodybuilding circles. Like people with headaches induced by maldigestion of bad food. They'll rather pop pills than quit eating crap.

Can you really imagine half a decade daily consumer of nasty shit called cRPG, to be disciplined in anything he does? Some can do that, but those don't play more than an hour daily. These bodybuilder do play cRPG A LOT MORE THAN FEW HOURS PER DAY. How do I know? Take a wild guess...


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Re: Does cRPG community lift? [NEW POLL MUPFUGGAZ]
« Reply #115 on: May 18, 2016, 05:25:41 pm »
Doing pullups/chinups with a weighted backpack is fun. You can pretend it's the post apocalypse and you are pulling yourself and your supplies out of the slave pits. Then it's only a few hundred miles to the coast. Do you guys play pretend when you lift? Because I play pretend.

unlike most of you nerds. I have sex 1 1/3 times a day.

Impossible when you have a floorgoblin / crotchspawn running around. Barely enough private time to shit, let alone fuck  :cry:
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irl something shorted on the shuttle and laika overheated and died within a few hours of liftoff and for a brief while one could look up to the stars and see a light shooting across the sky that was actually a warm dog corpse slingshoting about the earth at thousands of miles per hour which was arguably humanity's greatest achievement so far

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Re: Does cRPG community lift? [NEW POLL MUPFUGGAZ]
« Reply #116 on: May 18, 2016, 05:28:35 pm »
Them kids are better than sex. Sex is temporary measure, kids will last for awhile and repeat all your mistakes which will make you miserable old man. Don't despair, that just means someone will continue your legacy :P

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Re: Does cRPG community lift? [NEW POLL MUPFUGGAZ]
« Reply #117 on: May 18, 2016, 05:48:33 pm »
You can pretend it's the post apocalypse and you are pulling yourself and your supplies out of the slave pits.
Can you do weighted muscle-ups though? It's nice to look out of the slave pit I guess, but that is all the pull-up is gonna get you.

They already did, most of them look fat like 90% of aspiring bodybuilders :lol: Some of them like Saxon for instance are more defined, but thanks to use of interesting substances and not exceptionally disciplined regime. Non of them shitlords are capable sticking to their own words and that's why drug industry thrives in bodybuilding circles. Like people with headaches induced by maldigestion of bad food. They'll rather pop pills than quit eating crap.

Can you really imagine half a decade daily consumer of nasty shit called cRPG, to be disciplined in anything he does? Some can do that, but those don't play more than an hour daily. These bodybuilder do play cRPG A LOT MORE THAN FEW HOURS PER DAY. How do I know? Take a wild guess...
Your posts are still so goddamn weird. Nobody else writes shit like this, not even close.

Offline WarLord

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Re: Does cRPG community lift?
« Reply #118 on: May 18, 2016, 08:31:26 pm »
Yeah, I did try a mixed grip, it helped a lot already, but it was still limiting my DL. Back felt like it could lift a lot more, but the grip just couldn't keep holding the bar. Then again I am doing a bodybuilding routine (a variation of All Pro, I'm guessing you know about it), so I'm not too bothered with not progressing my normal DL. I will work on it when I decide to build some strength again.

To be honest I never heard of All Pro, but after checking it out, it seems to be exactly what I mentioned.
3 full-body workouts per week consisting almost solely of compound movements, correct?

Pretty much all good beginner schemes are like that. Anyone telling beginners they should do a split training has no clue. Splitting is for highly advanced/and/or athletes on juice. There is no reason ever for a natural hobby athlete to go beyond a 2day split and do more than 3-4 sessions per week.  8-)

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Re: Does cRPG community lift? [NEW POLL MUPFUGGAZ]
« Reply #119 on: May 18, 2016, 10:41:49 pm »
Wrong, sex gives you good stamina and hip thrust power but thats all.
You need to workout if you want that body fam, grab a bench and make yourself at ease!

Thanks for the tip! Next time ill have sex on a bench. Hows that?
But dont pretend to know anything about sexual intercourse Butan. Go back to playing with your 1's and 0's programming strategus videogames with your computer machines and spreadsheets, and work off those kilobytes instead nerd  :P You shouldnt be bothered with real man stuff, your computer mouse might run away and catch a virus!!
« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 12:17:19 am by Jambi »
Love will tear us apart.
Also, most fucked up brain of the year award goes to jambi. Well done.
