He had about 5200/6000 viewers when he was watching the MBG video. He stopped it when it came to the 'Team' segment but that was more because there were a lot of subs/donations which kinda interrupts the flow sometimes.
Overall it was good, he ranked us
"Pretty cool" plus linked the KS in his chat and we had a small increase in pledges afterwards.
It's hard with Twitch sometimes due to how the chatting works, when there's thousands of people links and text disappears fast.
I had a lot of fun watching him review Kickstarters and so far I like his channel, dunno what anyone here can be salty about unless you actually didn't watch him and is just jumping to conclusions. If there's anything I too fast forward over it's "who is the team", because when you don't have merits the only thing you want to know is how does the game look and play, for all I personally care everyone on a development team could be peanut farmers and it wouldn't make a difference to me as long the game looks fun