Author Topic: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?  (Read 8255 times)

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Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« on: November 28, 2014, 02:23:27 pm »
When I ask this I specifically mean the combat. Is the combat very similar to M&B combat? Or is it going to be new ground where everyone has to build up their skills from the bottom? At the moment I've pledged $150, but I'm not sure if I want to pledge more if the game is going to be M&B at it's core, just with different features and game modes etc.
Personally I have never been a huge player of M&B multiplayer or cRPG. I found out about the game quite late after its release, and when I play in multiplayer almost everyone in the server is much much better and overwhelms me easily. Then I found out about Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, and I've been playing that. I started not too long after it came out and it was fun because most of the players were on my skill level. There were some players that were a lot better, but that just encouraged me to play more and get better myself.
So my point is, I think M:BG should be encouraging for new players. I'm worried is that all of the from the start the game will be dominated by Mount and Blade veterans, and it won't be a good environment to encourage new players to get into the game and will stifle growth.

Also a about archers: I played cRPG a bit with the aim of being an archers, but after skipping the fun and finding out that archers were useless I stopped playing. I don't want them to be useless in M:BG, if they're there they should be viable. It's not good to cater to the minority of elite players who dislike there being a skill equaliser.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 12:14:39 am by Wyrda »

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Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2014, 02:36:26 pm »
It's definitely not going to be build up from the bottom. The basics are about the same, it's just that it's more advanced with M:BG.

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Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2014, 02:37:39 pm »
Hard to predict yet. It's however one of my main concerns for the popularity of the game once it gets released. I'm pretty much convinced that us old players will stomp newbies very much like now in warband, but the devs believe that it will be different.

What I hope is that there are 1) enough tutorial-like/training/newbie-friendly game modes and 2) there are enough other ways of having fun (e.g. RTS- like things in stronghold) if you are not that good in combat at first.

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Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2014, 02:45:59 pm »
is the combat going to be based around feint spam as much as in M&B?

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Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2014, 02:46:54 pm »
Good point.
It would be nice to see how 'noob friendly' M:BG will be. However hopefully a whole bunch of new players will join, who like you have not played much or any M&B before, so the average skill level will be far less than cRPG is now.

Plus, I know you were specifically talking about combat, however with the increase in player numbers teamwork will hopefully play a larger part and you may find yourself doing a lot better than you anticipated.

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Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2014, 02:48:22 pm »
There is still that essence of swing, parry. Click in a direction to attack and block. That's about all there is though.

Weapon collisions - Probably the biggest 'new thing' in my opinion. Weapons can collide and block attacks at any state, not just whether or not you have a 'blocking state' set.
"360ยบ" attack directions - You don't have to match the attack direction to the degree, but attack angles will vary, allowing you to possibly find away around their directional block.

Those are the obvious changes. However, combat is what they'll be primarily working on up through March of 2015 (i.e. alpha release). I imagine they'll be trying out different ways of interpreting/controlling chambers and parries, different ways of controlling attacks and blocks.

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Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2014, 02:54:49 pm »
is the combat going to be based around feint spam as much as in M&B?

Currently you can feint only once via pressing LMB twice, looks and works really cool already IMO.

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Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2014, 03:37:20 pm »
I wouldnt say its feint based. If you got the patience, whoever is spamming you can be defeated, since it open their spots easily. Thats just a silly sorry.

I belive MBG will try to detail that alot.

(just thinkin on how i'll get used to it with my 200+ ping)
« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 04:14:37 pm by MtPrimo »

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Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2014, 05:17:43 pm »
I played the pre-alpha and you certainly have a head start when you played warband previously.

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Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2014, 09:33:27 pm »
All of the M&B vets will be trying to chamber and just getting smacked in the face. :P

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Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2014, 10:00:52 pm »
Actually what i saw in the kickstarter video, was like Juggernaut spin and strike the sword like that. Realistic skills can do no hurt. Like turn and strike, lean right,left,down, one shot dagger kill if you sneak from behind, shieldbash, even kick and nudge can be skills like 1 2 3 4 5. Wasd footwork+12345 skills+360 degree mouse control -> Thats what I call a good game.
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Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2014, 11:18:14 pm »
That's a big thing for me, i'll play the game and like it, but i dont want a combat system where people claim 'skill' is based on making your character look like they're having a spazz attack with feinting, ground-hugging and circle-jerking. In crpg and warband the more retarded you can make your guy look, the 'better' you are.

Hopefully whatever scumbag meta emerges regarding M:BG combat, if it's popular enough there'll be sufficient population to dilute that and make it fun for the masses.

Not really on topic, but in Chivalry there's a new tactic used by 'pro' players that involves spinning 180 degrees in front of your opponent, doing an overhead attack (usually with something like a greatsword or halberd) and hitting them as soon as the release phase starts when the weapon is still behind your head.

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Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2014, 11:29:05 pm »
Not really on topic, but in Chivalry there's a new tactic used by 'pro' players that involves spinning 180 degrees in front of your opponent, doing an overhead attack (usually with something like a greatsword or halberd) and hitting them as soon as the release phase starts when the weapon is still behind your head.

That is the real problem you know. However sound the game mechanics may be, some tryhard will always find something to exploit. And that is still not a problem until this tryhard and others start thinking "it is alright" to exploit the fuck out of that specific broken mechanism without having a tiny bit of shame or pride in them.

Yes, I know it is kind of absurd to talk about stuff like pride and shame in a game but I do believe that if you have those qualities in your real life, you are supposed to maintain them in a fucking game too. Because such exploits are nothing different than, say, playing an FPS game in "godmode". Only pathetic little snots could enjoy that.

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Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2014, 12:18:11 am »
That's a big thing for me, i'll play the game and like it, but i dont want a combat system where people claim 'skill' is based on making your character look like they're having a spazz attack with feinting, ground-hugging and circle-jerking. In crpg and warband the more retarded you can make your guy look, the 'better' you are.

Earlier there was a one feint limit on feinting in the alphabeta.
Devs removed that and said they wanted to add a stamina based system where you can feint until your stamina is gone.
Supposedly normal attack will not require stamina, so it wont be a stamina system that is as limiting as Dark Souls'.

Also @OP: The reason why M&B is so difficult for new players is the very high/non-existing skill ceiling.
Though it might make the game hard for new players it is also what has kept the game so interesting in the long run.

I hope M:BG gets to have at least as high a ceiling as M&B. It really just makes a more interesting game even if it is challenging to begin with.

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Re: Mount and Blade skills tranferable?
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2014, 01:06:52 am »
Judging on how I've seen crpg players go into games like Chivalry and fuck on the local server populations with little to no introduction, I'd say yes. The basics and feel will come quickly, but how quickly we can master it probably depends on how complex the meelee system will be. (Hopefully fairly)
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