How to get trial?
You gotta get one of the preorder people to give you a 7-day guest pass.
For some reason I'm just not feeling the combat in this game. This is the third class I'm playing now, a Sorcerer (I've played others in RU Beta and EU Alpha) but there's something lacking in combat, even though it's action based... I kinda don't feel the weight/impact of the shit I perform, might as well be doing any move shit gon eventually die anyway. Maybe it's missing damage numbers for me.
Also, the screen is cluttered with interface as fuck. Circles and arrows and icons and labels everywhere. Couple that with the absurdly overdone special effects for your abilities and you end up not seeing what the fuck you're doing. And this is after I've disabled screen shaking and character/enemy model flashing in different colors everytime you do something.
Your character having mostly the same look throughout the entire game is a cheap move on their part as well. The gear that you get outside of cash shop is pretty much all the same and the ones that you get in the cash shop are expensive as fuck and not really that great looking.
Think this is one of the games that if I do end up purchasing, I'm gonna play for the other aspects (crafting, trading, fishing etc) more than combat and PvP.