Author Topic: Ban: Bellender (hardcore teamattacking)  (Read 380 times)

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Offline Xesta

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Ban: Bellender (hardcore teamattacking)
« on: November 03, 2014, 06:58:51 pm »
1. Name of your character involved: Xesta
2. Name of offending character(s): Bellender
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: 18:25 (middle euro timezone)
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after:
So, when I joined on the server some guy named bellender started to swing his 2h maul around for no reason really near by me. Then I asked him to stop that shit and that was the time when he started to go insane and teamattacked everyone especially me. In the end he got polled out because he had a score of -32 or something like that and he didn't give two shits about it. He clearly knew about the rules but he didn't give 2 shits for it.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did:
Mentally retarted guy who doesn't give a fuck if he gets banned or not.
6. Multiple Screenshots:
On this screen you can clearly see as he doesn't give a fuck about if he gets banned or not.
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On the 2nd you can see as he keeps teamattacking me with his 2h maul which does huge dmg to me as a tincan. I tried to defend myself from him cus he didn't stop to attack me.
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Just another screen where you can see that he doesn't care about it. I got mad for killing me for no reason and thats his answer.
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On the last screen its just another proof that he's gone totally insane and teamattacked everyone nearby.
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7. Names of players who witnessed what happened:
Merc_izatopia, Umbra, Katsu.

I wish this guy would get more than a 1-day ban even if he's new. You can't tolerate such behaviour. And he clearly knew it is not okay to do such things.

Xesta you dumb fuck it all started because of you.Everyone i know in this server hates u pimple faced fuck.Go find someone else to pull your nipples,spit your face and tell how stupid you are i'm done with you.I'LL KEBAP YOUR ASS ON MY SHISH I'LL TURN FACE HOLES INTO A SPERM SPLATTER TO GROW FETUS IN UR MOMS UTERUS

Offline Friedturtle

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Re: Ban: Bellender (hardcore teamattacking)
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2014, 07:05:06 pm »
Banned for teamkilling.

Scheduled Unban   06.11.2014 18:04:00

Thanks for reporting.