i answer here cause, friedturtle closed the ban subject without possibility to defend myself. Yeah i m guilty. I thed on purpose Xesta, cause he had a bad education.
He insulted me of motherfucker(who is he to insult me like that ?, and insult my mother too ?)
Like his screen show it, i thed him by mistake with a throw, and i came to him with my sword up to signify that i was sorry, and what did he do ? He started to slash me on purpose to kill me. So i defended my life and i started to fight him, and after that, he insulted me of motherfucker. Nobody talking of my mother ,my mother is a lady, and i don't insult mothers of others. That's explain why, because i was dead, i started to teamhit him the next round for his bad education. It's not a secret that it's a sensible point. talking bad of my family is not allowed, and nobody insult my family irl or in a game without troubles. I know that i broke rules of a the game and i assume the punishment