Author Topic: Ban: Kalmarunionen_HarDraaDra  (Read 534 times)

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Offline Xesta

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Ban: Kalmarunionen_HarDraaDra
« on: October 26, 2014, 01:03:44 am »
1. Name of your character involved: Xesta
2. Name of offending character(s): Kalmarunionen_HarDraaDra
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: 00:20 middle european timezone.
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
What happened:

We were playing on eu1 when he threw a spear into my head while we were in a teamfight. I was looking for him for like 15 sec to at least apologize but he didn't thats why I reported him there.
After that we were still fighting in team and I accidently hit him ONCE.
After that he immediately started to teamattack me several times and gone mad.
When the new round started he started to insult me because I said you want a ban or what for intentional teamattacking. Then he teamattacked me 2 more times for no reason.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*
Because he hates me and thought I attacked him on revenge which I didn't.
6. Multiple Screenshots

On this screenshot you can see when he started to teamattack me first, wasnt sorry nothing just teamattacking on purpose, thats why I reported him for the 1st time.
Nearly after I accidently hitted him and then the mess started and he immediately attacked me again in return and so we had a battle in the middle of the round. That was fine by me and that is not the reason why I report him though.
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The reason I report him for intentional teamattack is seen on this screenshot:

So I wrote motherfucker to another guy wasn't even connected to him in any way and then he got mad and teamattacked me at the next round 2 times with heavy swings.
I didn't attack him back so it was clearly against the rules just to attack in the next round just for revenge or w/e.

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7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**
Vanguard_Immortality and many more vanguard people.
Xesta you dumb fuck it all started because of you.Everyone i know in this server hates u pimple faced fuck.Go find someone else to pull your nipples,spit your face and tell how stupid you are i'm done with you.I'LL KEBAP YOUR ASS ON MY SHISH I'LL TURN FACE HOLES INTO A SPERM SPLATTER TO GROW FETUS IN UR MOMS UTERUS

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Re: Ban: Kalmarunionen_HarDraaDra
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2014, 02:20:25 am »
Haha, probably getting a mute for this, but idgaf.

1. He always throws into melee and hits his teammates (because he's just bad at throwing and in general)
2. He never apologizes (never, ever)
3. If you teamhit him in melee he instantly reports you
4. If you report him he insults you or teamhits you more

-> Have some forbearance with Hardradra, he's just an overall really bad player, mentally retarded and always mad.
Ignoring him is the best you can do.

Offline Friedturtle

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Re: Ban: Kalmarunionen_HarDraaDra
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2014, 03:25:08 am »
Banned for teamwounding.

Scheduled Unban   27.10.2014 02:23:00