Author Topic: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?  (Read 3683 times)

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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2014, 01:50:57 am »

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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2014, 01:54:58 am »
Archery seems nerfed too much.

The games faster/hit harder now because most people higher lvl. Maybe a lvl cap of 31 would be have been better. I like it overall, more even playing field but learning to block now would be a bit tough.

I find its actually people varying range that makes blocking tougher due to the speed they move.

Also think the poles seem to have lost some of the instant hit function so that had some effect.

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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2014, 02:03:49 am »
If your new build feels slower or weaker now, it's only because everyone has 8 athletics minimum now. Expect more s-key and more negation of weak hits, since high-armour is still available to all builds even those that move fast.

Now that everyone has so much athletics, i wonder if it will receive a minor nerf. I dont mind being the slow guy, it's my thing, but it looks kinda daft now the way everyone is zipping around, it offends my eyes more than anything.

They should make s-key movement 75% of current s-key speed.  Backpedalling should be slower - negates many of the excessive advantages of high agility builds over strength builds.  permanently s-keying out of range of strength and short weapons while hitting with long weapons.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2014, 02:05:35 am »
Archery seems nerfed too much.

not really, on good map as an archer you can kill and wound a lot.

I tried out Long bow and dmg is fine imo also amount of arrows, it's funny to run around and saerch for arrows if you forget and spam to many of them instead of wisely choose your targets.

(i have 21/24 at lvl 34, on 35 i'll get ps, but wven with 0 you can kill :D)
Archer forever :D

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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2014, 02:15:04 am »
Kinda annoying that everyone hits like a truck now my strength build is completely useless

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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2014, 02:25:04 am »
Not sure if it's something that has changed with this patch but it feels like the heavy lance is weaker than ever before.
I've just played with a +3 heavy lance, 7 PS and 140 WPF in polearm and all I can say is that it sucks big time.

Not only does it glance a lot but when it does hit it doesn't deal much damage.
Maybe increase the attack speed by 5 points and the damage by 1?

Or... decrease great lance damage by 50%.
Yes, I get twice as many kills with a great lance than I do with a heavy lance and that's with 0PS and 1WPF.
I had a 29-1 score yesterday using a mamluk horse and great lance. Today I barely got above 10 kills with a heavy lance.

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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2014, 03:10:48 am »
They should make s-key movement 75% of current s-key speed.  Backpedalling should be slower - negates many of the excessive advantages of high agility builds over strength builds.  permanently s-keying out of range of strength and short weapons while hitting with long weapons.


Offline Trikipum

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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2014, 03:19:47 am »
Maybe it was subjective, but I seemed to notice much more glances than usual.

Perhaps because people have more agi-focused chars? Because they are not used to the agi so they position themselves more clumsily? IDK..

Let's let the patch settle for a few weeks and see where the meta takes it.
I was getting many "ghost" glances. That is, when your weapon just gets stuck in the air for no aparent reason and you dont hit. Swing just gets to an halt. Dunno if it is lag. What is clear is that the server is having a harder time tracking all the agi whores properly and things feel kinda laggier. Faster gameplay also means poorer hit detection, more "wtf" moments too. Like ghost reach, desync hits, spam whores breaking the "turn based" mechanic etc etc etc. reminds me more of old native servers full of noobs spamming the shit around.
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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2014, 03:33:57 am »
I was getting many "ghost" glances. That is, when your weapon just gets stuck in the air for no aparent reason and you dont hit. Swing just gets to an halt. Dunno if it is lag. What is clear is that the server is having a harder time tracking all the agi whores properly and things feel kinda laggier. Faster gameplay also means poorer hit detection, more "wtf" moments too. Like ghost reach, desync hits, spam whores breaking the "turn based" mechanic etc etc etc. reminds me more of old native servers full of noobs spamming the shit around.

I thought it was just me, I guess not, I felt this too and also it feels like the weapons hit the enemies before the swing animations has even ended.
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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2014, 09:31:19 am »
I was getting many "ghost" glances. That is, when your weapon just gets stuck in the air for no aparent reason and you dont hit. Swing just gets to an halt. Dunno if it is lag. What is clear is that the server is having a harder time tracking all the agi whores properly and things feel kinda laggier. Faster gameplay also means poorer hit detection, more "wtf" moments too. Like ghost reach, desync hits, spam whores breaking the "turn based" mechanic etc etc etc. reminds me more of old native servers full of noobs spamming the shit around.

I thought it was just me, I guess not, I felt this too and also it feels like the weapons hit the enemies before the swing animations has even ended.

Similar problems here, but instead of glancing off nothing I simply swing through people. I thought it might have been a glitch in the new rightswing/overhead animations for polearms, but I started to notice it an awful lot on the leftswing as well. One time my leftswing went straight through an enemy who I was facehugging and managed to then hit my teammate who was so far to my right that if my weapon could have even hit him, it should have been a straight up glance. He happened to be in TS at the time, and we both saw the same thing, so it wasn't client-side lag, either.

I've also noticed a lot of fps drops now... is it because everyone is trying out the new armors, which are for the most part hi-res?
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"I'll have my lance aimed at Jona's knees and he'll jump up, run up my lance and kill me." -Dalfador

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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2014, 09:33:10 am »
havn't you said you would care about the old players who had just start and played to lvl 12 or something?
Now it seems they are even more broken with new lvl 23 on old character (creating a new is much higher with less equipment).

This suckz :cry:
Btw. 4 +3 items, sure sure...

Quit crpg never come back. Have played so many hours ingame and still have less item power than a regular beginner, seems truely truely fair to me... not.
Enjoy thiz shit mod I´m outa here. pvp is broken :3 back to dtv :D
« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 11:44:26 am by Spanky_Ham »

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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2014, 11:42:06 am »
Is the heirloom text. pack working with the new update? i want to change other things but my first step is this and i need to know :D
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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2014, 12:10:35 pm »
Same crap I'm saying everywhere, bows need a total revamp.
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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2014, 12:35:08 pm »
Honestly like I said in the other thread, if you would have changed the xp system, that would have been something. I mean, in general you did a lot of great things with the patch IMO but it is too much patching in the literary meaning. I would really favor big changes at the core of the system, like removing any level above 8 mil exp and making looms really easy to get (right now you still need 8 mil for 1 tiny LP almost like before) and as mentioned change xp income. I know, the qq would be massive and lots of people GTX, but worth it imo.

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Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2014, 12:49:14 pm »
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