
Replace current 2h stab with?

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Author Topic: [Poll] Alternative 2h stab animations.  (Read 8613 times)

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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #45 on: October 18, 2014, 10:04:40 pm »
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That's either one hell of a strawman, or you completely misunderstood most of what I was saying.
To a degree, effectiveness or stats alone, can be irrelevant. Probably the best case one can bring up, is the Highland Claymore. Realistically, it has the most favorable trade-offs with all other greatswords, and yet it's just about the least used.
It's not even about whether or not you're able to make the thrust effectively the same, quantitatively. There are, as you said–yet failed to fully grasp–several reasons aside from an item's effectiveness, to choose one item or playstyle over another. This is about current functionality, identity, and psychology(players being fickle and resisting perceived changes). If history has taught us anything on this topic, it's that people are really sensitive to animation changes, and unlike any we've done before, this looks nothing like what it's replacing.

Balance is certainly a concern, but not only is that easy to achieve, equal effectiveness doesn't necessarily equate to equal enjoyment, and certainly not equal functionality.

Both are important, tydeus.  We know you don't need 100% to destroy a horse, because they are providing a tremendous speed bonus.  On the flip side, it's usually better to to whiff than to over reach and glance because of the timing penalty.

I find your hoplite vs 2h sword reach argument a bit strange though.  Most 2hers would seldomly stab a hoplite since they will suffer a great weapon stun for hitting the shield.  Meanwhile a 2her suffers the least movement penalty, only second to a swashbuckler, so it should be easy to overrun a hoplite.
You don't need 100%, but you definitely cannot have less than 0%, and realistically, aside from a 0 armor target, you'd going to have to have more than 10 or 15% raw, even for the best case, highest speed bonus situations (when a horse is riding at you). So fine, not 73% of the animation's total length, but 75%(17.5% of your initial raw damage).

You're not really listening to the point that's trying to be made. Life isn't black and white, there are degrees of variance. I'm saying that in the 2h thrust's length has so much utility that it can allow greatswords to even be competitive against hoplites. Ceartainly War Spear hoplites. Also, the 2h thrust has had the same stun duration from blocked thrusts as any other thrust. I equalized them after the results of the EU cRPG Official Duel Tournament, where it was clear that at high level play, the greatsword thrust was nothing but a detriment.

All that being said, Logen pointed out that there's a bit of a misconception about thrust length capabilities. It's not necessarily the case that effective length even has to be reduced, just because you now have a waist-high thrust. Then again, it will still both look and feel different, which is cause for concern. Ultimately, we'll probably just have to try it, urging 2hers to give it legitimate consideration, and see how things go, from there.

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« Last Edit: October 18, 2014, 10:30:56 pm by Tydeus »
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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #46 on: October 18, 2014, 11:51:39 pm »
Updated DL link, V3 now.

~215 reach, ~10 off old stab.


V4, same length, smooth transitions.


V5, straight thrust now (not much wiggling in Z axis).
Also redistributed frames for faster earlier on, slowing as it progresses.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 01:50:41 am by Senni__Ti »

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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #47 on: October 19, 2014, 02:53:57 am »
Has a bit too much wiggling left and right with respect to the character's facing, though. Still seems a little robotic. I'd suggest rather than starting with the weapon higher and lowering it at the start of the weapon thrust, doing the reverse; starting with the hands waist height with the sword tilted up, then raising the fists while trying to maintain the same tip height, and then moving into the arm extension. Sort of like the graph of y=sqrt(x/2).

Few more things, I'd slide the left foot forward more as he leans, much like how you slide the left foot back. Also, I'd move the position of the abdomen(changes the position of the whole character) so that the right foot appears to be staying in the same spot. Actually, I'd do this first, it might be surprising just how much more organic the whole thing looks with that.
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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #48 on: October 19, 2014, 03:20:59 am »
Has a bit too much wiggling left and right with respect to the character's facing, though. Still seems a little robotic. I'd suggest rather than starting with the weapon higher and lowering it at the start of the weapon thrust, doing the reverse; starting with the hands waist height with the sword tilted up, then raising the fists while trying to maintain the same tip height, and then moving into the arm extension. Sort of like the graph of y=sqrt(x/2).

Few more things, I'd slide the left foot forward more as he leans, much like how you slide the left foot back. Also, I'd move the position of the abdomen(changes the position of the whole character) so that the right foot appears to be staying in the same spot. Actually, I'd do this first, it might be surprising just how much more organic the whole thing looks with that.

Already has some translation, was trying to limit it.

I'll add some more, and try and work in the arm changes.

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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #49 on: October 19, 2014, 10:29:08 am »
Keep in mind, effective reach for thrusts isn't about how far the anim reaches, but how far it can reach while staying within both the inner most (where damage is at 100%) and upper-inner(Where damage begins to decrease and ultimately reach 0%) areas of the sweetspot.

This graph shows the current thrust sweetspots in green.
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So any further extensions after about 73%(which is roughly a 70% raw damage reduction), don't really matter at all.
I have a hard time to believe that this graph shows the actual reality on the server.
I've seen many times people getting hit/die by barely touching the tip of the sword with fully extended arms.
Unless I misunderstood the graph or the animation.
After 73% of the animation is no more damage delivered... Ahh, retracting arms is part of the animation, therefore a fully extended arm still does damage (quite a lot I may say).

Nevermind my post, just had to write it down for myself once, I guess :D

Edit: Would be nice to have this graph next to some gif with the animation and some counter running through it :)
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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #50 on: October 19, 2014, 02:34:39 pm »
Just grab OpenBRF, then you can check out all the animations yourself. Frame in question(or interval)/ Total frames(or total intervals used, depending on which is in the numerator). That will give you the % through the total anim that any particular frame is.

Indeed, as you said, the release_animation doesn't stop when the extension stops. The relaxing of the arms and lowering of the weapon is still part of the release_anim.
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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #51 on: October 27, 2014, 06:16:56 am »
Any updates on this?  Looks promising.
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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #52 on: October 27, 2014, 02:47:50 pm »
Whatever it takes to get people playing 2h again would be a welcome addition, this animation included.

I don't think I've encountered more than a couple Greatsworders in the past month. Which is crazy, because it was the de facto playstyle only a couple years ago. A year ago, it was all Longsword/HBS, and those are quite rare now also. There just isn't compelling reason to go 2h anymore, because pole offers:
-better nudge options
-better overhead animation
-MUCH better diversity (with one build you can have like 8 different playstyles just by raiding armoury)
-Horse rearing

2H is just lolstab and the usual feint+hold tricks (that you can still do with pole). 1h is similarly boring, but I rely on the utility of shield neutral nudge to keep it interesting.

Maybe the M&B devs were onto something with the original polearm implementation? OP polestun, but truly awful animations. Polearm with good animations (what we have now) just make 2h obsolete.

EDIT-The thing that would "fix" 2h vs. pole balance/diversity is the proposed change from a while ago (that got shelved) where polearms would only deal their stated damage at the end of the weapon, and a much reduced blunt damage for inboard strikes. 2h swords would then be suitable for all ranges, but polearm would require careful attention to spacing.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 06:10:50 pm by Phew »

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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #53 on: October 27, 2014, 03:10:14 pm »
Polearm with good animations (what we have now) just make 2h obsolete.


Not sure that a new stab animation for 2H would make any difference though. Right now 2H has no edge on polearms in any situation - other than the animations being more fluid making it more fun to fight with and against.

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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #54 on: October 27, 2014, 04:23:26 pm »
"Lets work on your skills. Take a high guard, like this. The Italians call it 'la posta del falcone - the guard of the hawk. Strike from high" - Godfrey of Ibelin in Kingdom of Heaven.

One of my favorite movies, either way, I think I like your animation better, 10/10 would stab again. Be interesting if different stances were added to crpg, but seem like to much effort for little cause.
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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #55 on: October 27, 2014, 05:51:38 pm »
Whatever it takes to get people playing 2h again would be a welcome addition, this animation included.

I don't think I've encountered more than a couple Greatsworders in the past month. Which is crazy, because it was the de facto playstyle only a couple years ago. A year ago, it was all Longsword/HBS, and those are quite rare now also. There just isn't compelling reason to go 2h anymore, because pole offers:
-better nudge options
-better overhead animation
-MUCH better diversity (with one build you can have like 8 different playstyles just by raiding armoury)
-Horse rearing

2H is just lolstab and the usual feint+hold tricks (that you can still do with pole). 1h is similarly boring, but I rely on the utility of shield neutral nudge to keep it interesting.

Maybe the M&B devs were onto something with the original polearm implementation? OP polestun, but truly awful animations. Polearm with good animations (what we have now) just make 2h obsolete.

The best part is that the community still rags on two-handers solely because of the thrust reach yet conveniently ignores how they're outclassed in every other situation.  Was the 2h nudge supposed to be some kind of a joke?  Because it is.

To get back on topic...

I like the stills of the "new" two-handed stab that were posted above.  It really feels like you could get more power behind it.  Just make sure that it flows well with the other three animations and compensate any loss of reach with appropriate stat changes. 

(I'm not siding with the "current 2h thrust isn't real" camp.  The current animation does in fact have basis in reality; look up images depicting Vadi's high guard for proof.  I just prefer the look and feel of the "new" stab.)
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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #56 on: October 27, 2014, 07:32:02 pm »
Took a break to do the patch stuff, now RL work for uni.

Will try and get back to it next weekend.

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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2014, 06:26:20 am »
they're outclassed in every other situation

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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #58 on: October 30, 2014, 06:54:21 am »
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Now, back on topic: In this thread I have learned many things.

1: NA players really are bad, the awlpike couldn't be easier to use. Well, I guess it could just be a single button push that instagibs all enemies on the map, but that's the only way I can see it being better.
2: Teeth is a massive stab whore (I'm kidding I knew that already.)
3: Whoever Phew is, he has a bugged website please fix it for him, it isn't displaying the mod godlike of all 2handers:
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4. Tydeus is fucking terrified of driving players away, yet ironically is the single individual responsible for the most players fading away.
5. Tydeus is fucking terrified of losing 2h stab.
6. BEST ONE YET: Tydeus thinks 2handers should stab hoplites! And he's making balance choices!! I know right? Fuck my life.
I don't know enough

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Re: [Poll] Replacement 2h stab anim?
« Reply #59 on: October 30, 2014, 07:10:58 am »
2hander is by far the best choice to kill shit in clusterfucks. Though it helps to be surrounded by enemies and not teammates. You can just spin around one-two shotting people with real fast swords or maces and obviously high PS noob build, and can outclass most scrubs 1vs1 real fast unless they know how to duel. Its a more kinetic playstyle than just slamming people with a poleaxe while backpedaling in full plate. Tho the 2hand stab feels a lot weaker nowadays, when it was first buffed to compensate for turn rate nerfs, it was real deadly, aggressive, and a little OP, like 1hand thrust was when first updated. Now its just weak and stale.

Two hands got some bad weapon diversity though. Long stabby 2handers definitely feel pointless to use and I used to like them a lot to help support. Maybe a new animation that isn't intended as just a nerf to reach but to feel more powerful and effective would do it. But this animation judged from the pics would feel just like halfswording, which is already an obviously unpopular feature over just using a polearm.

Wouldn't mind seeing the current animation tweaked a bit to hit faster and harder earlier on though. So you can stab the shit out of people without wanting to wiggle and pussy around, like I was doing with 1hands when they were first made OP. Just standing in someone's face stabbing with an espada for max damage as fast as I clicked.

But having that 2hand stab to ward off cav or killsteal around teammates is pretty much the only utility perk over any of the other weapons. Since its already good, and if polearm animations seem overtuned, just buff lolstab more. Make it mad fast and far but easy to hit anywhere in the animation.

Thanks in Advance..
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