Macros for blocking? What?
![Neutral :|](
Dude, whoever ever uses macros does it for feinting. Not for anything else. You can't block with macros (well technically you could, probably, but that would be much less efficient than actual manual blocking) since you have to react to an incoming attack, not just do some algorithm.
Yes? There is a point in manual blocking since there's no way to block otherwise except using a shield.
When I watch 2handers and polearmers I see how light-fast they block, and feint. And I really can't do this without macros, when I do block. Move right, left etc. My screen moves too. To these people it doesn't. So. Should I?
It's about getting used to. You can move your screen just a bit to block, that's enough. Don't move it so hard that you lose the sight of your enemy. If you can't help it, reduce your mouse sensitivity.
All in all, try playing it for some time and you'll get used to it. No macros needed. (I don't actually even believe people actively use macros in cRPG)
PS: Ohhh yes, there is an option to block not with your mouse movements but with your movement keys. That way you don't move your screen to block. Instead you have to fuck up your footwork, making it directly dependable on your attacks. I don't recommend doing that if you want to become a good melee player.