Author Topic: VC Day - Victory In Calradia  (Read 27422 times)

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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #90 on: October 23, 2014, 08:04:23 pm »
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Multiple things wrong with your posts. Let me brake it down for you.


If you want to say I did it go right ahead Kesh, but don't you dare say you or your faction has never exploited any bugs in strat.
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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #91 on: October 23, 2014, 08:12:37 pm »
We never dumped gear into fiefs to bug them. We attacked fiefs in waves without the owner home. They win few waves and the gear piles up if they use different stuff than your standard. Nothing can be done about that at the time. It is distinctly different than buying garbage and tossing it into the fief with the purpose to bug it out
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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #92 on: October 23, 2014, 08:12:59 pm »
The fact is you cheated.  No one in MB said hey maybe we shouldn't take advantage of one of our members blatantly cheating.  As long as its against someone we hate its okay.  Then began a load of shit-talking during the battle about how they were going to trounce us and making fun of the fact that you had cheated and that we were going to lose because of it.  Doesn't sound like a clan that is opposed to cheating as long as it benefits them.

Also, what Bale said.  We would attack with a normal 65-70 item types of good quality but after a few waves (most factions never did multiple waves because thats what you need to do to take castles a lot of times) the broken gear of attackers and defenders from previous waves piles up and creates item bugging.  You dumped hundreds of item types in.  Would take like 7-8 waves of attacks with no fief owner to clear it out to get the same effect.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #93 on: October 23, 2014, 08:13:58 pm »
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Multiple things wrong with your posts. Let me brake it down for you.


If you want to say I did it go right ahead Kesh, but don't you dare say you or your faction has never exploited any bugs in strat.

So, if you did win the siege MB wouldn't keep that castle since you "acted alone" and cheated you're way there. I think its funny that your faction would hand you that much gear and troops just for you to go rogue...

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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #94 on: October 23, 2014, 08:17:55 pm »
The fact is you cheated.  No one in MB said hey maybe we shouldn't take advantage of one of our members blatantly cheating.  As long as its against someone we hate its okay.  Then began a load of shit-talking during the battle about how they were going to trounce us and making fun of the fact that you had cheated and that we were going to lose because of it.  Doesn't sound like a clan that is opposed to cheating as long as it benefits them.

I wasn't even at the battle so how could I have been bragging about anything?

So, if you did win the siege MB wouldn't keep that castle since you "acted alone" and cheated you're way there. I think its funny that your faction would hand you that much gear and troops just for you to go rogue...

I was handed the troops and gear because they wanted to take the castle back and I had already attacked it.
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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #95 on: October 23, 2014, 08:25:28 pm »
You are blaming an ENTIRE faction for something only one person could do. You have no evidence as to who it was. You are just assuming it was MB, namely me.

You want to say you never cheated fine, I don't care. We know you did but its whatever. Go ahead and berate me for whatever you want to say I did. I could care less.

Ban me, permanently ban me. You would be doing me a favor because at least then I wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit.

Fuck this shit. Honestly, you people are too dense to talk to. Maybe when you grow up and realize this is a video game and not real life I can talk to you guys but until then I am done.
McDeath: This guy doesn't shut his lip, but he's one of the funniest players in-game.

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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #96 on: October 23, 2014, 08:27:28 pm »
I was handed the troops and gear because they wanted to take the castle back and I had already attacked it.

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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #97 on: October 23, 2014, 08:45:42 pm »
You are blaming an ENTIRE faction for something only one person could do. You have no evidence as to who it was. You are just assuming it was MB, namely me.

You want to say you never cheated fine, I don't care. We know you did but its whatever. Go ahead and berate me for whatever you want to say I did. I could care less.

Ban me, permanently ban me. You would be doing me a favor because at least then I wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit.

Fuck this shit. Honestly, you people are too dense to talk to. Maybe when you grow up and realize this is a video game and not real life I can talk to you guys but until then I am done.

Are you seriously getting upset and calling it bullshit that you can't get away with cheating and your clan wasn't able to take advantage of it?  You actually are justifying your cheating as "I know you did to in my head so its okay."  You do realize its a video game and you threw your ethics or morals (if you had any) out the window to win in a video game?  People like you are a plague to all games.  you are disgracing MB with every post you make about your cheating.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #98 on: October 23, 2014, 08:51:30 pm »

I was handed the troops and gear because they wanted to take the castle back

We're all nerds here, so it doesn't really matter.

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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #99 on: October 23, 2014, 08:54:08 pm »
To begin, I don't condone cheating and find McDeath a lackluster fuck who abandoned becoming a world class lawyer.
I see the greatness in the lad even though he does everything to shy away from it.

The gear bugging took place, that's about all the fact we can deal with now. This is definitely not the first time a gear-bug has taken place this round... Is this an excuse? Nah, still pretty weak shit any way I try to look at it.
Was I aware or do I care? Meh (no I didn't, but who cares)... Strat 5 has been an embarrassment to the mechanics that were readily available to be used from previous rounds, but I'll praise the effort for sure.

So, I guess the carrion have fresh meat to tear from for the next few weeks.

As a wise old Sith Clown Tusken Raider riding a Dewback atop the Millenium Falcon once told me.
"There is no past that we can bring back by longing for it. There is only an eternally new now that builds and creates itself out of the best as the past withdraws."
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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #100 on: October 23, 2014, 09:21:54 pm »
I enjoy losing strat battles and I enjoy winning strat battle; I only care about having fun.

What I hate, however, is having to sift through hundreds of icons that are about a pixel in size looking for a decent piece of armor and weapon to use. Even worse is when you actually find an item you want you can't actually select that item because somebody decided that winning a siege was more important than having fun.

Just because this strat is almost over doesn't give you the excuse to start exploiting game mechanics.

Also,If people want to be shitheads and bug gear for the other team go ahead; just don't hire people with any morals for they (people with morals) will be disgusted by you and your damn "winning>fun" strategy and quit playing. Ex. Soturin

This is a fucking game, so stop cheating to win and play for fun you bunch of damn kids.
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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #101 on: October 23, 2014, 09:23:49 pm »
Anyone with two cents will be leaving that sinking ship MB. They basically became the joke of the community overnight. I'll NEVER let down the fact that they CHEATED. I FUCKIN HATE CHEATERS! Can an admin please bring these guys to justice?

What a surprise; a down vote from Artyam the bias NA admin that condones cheating. Don't let this guy make the decision on MB; this cockalorum would give Mcdeath a 1 hour ban and do nothing to the rest of the MB scoundrels. 

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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #102 on: October 23, 2014, 09:32:36 pm »
The fact is you cheated.  No one in MB said hey maybe we shouldn't take advantage of one of our members blatantly cheating.  As long as its against someone we hate its okay.  Then began a load of shit-talking during the battle about how they were going to trounce us and making fun of the fact that you had cheated and that we were going to lose because of it.  Doesn't sound like a clan that is opposed to cheating as long as it benefits them.

Also, what Bale said.  We would attack with a normal 65-70 item types of good quality but after a few waves (most factions never did multiple waves because thats what you need to do to take castles a lot of times) the broken gear of attackers and defenders from previous waves piles up and creates item bugging.  You dumped hundreds of item types in.  Would take like 7-8 waves of attacks with no fief owner to clear it out to get the same effect.

Naw, you totally did that to ahmerrrad in strat 4. It was all over the forums when you did.(Also, it got overshadowed by the blackzilla fiasco later) [By that, i mean bringing in lots of shitty/broken gear and upon losing, it would go into the fief and clog up the fief in addition to broken items from the previous battle]

Also, Squids did pull a fast one, abusing the enter a fief while attacked glitch to lower s/d in that one MB fief(Emirin?) to avoid crime killing off the army. So, if MB should quit, so should the squids yea?

There's probably other stuff that's gone on this round but I'm at work and to lazy to bother looking up the other dodgy shit going on.
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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #103 on: October 23, 2014, 09:36:06 pm »
Quote from: Aldogalus on September 05, 2014, 10:51:58 pm
The kind of exploit where we attacked you, but you were able to enter the fief at the exact same time, buying down the s&d, even while the battle was initiated. All the while you should have been in EU, and now you are gonna accuse us of exploiting? lmao

Read up dick-tug cock-port;

Precedent Strat Issues threads:
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You have to be in range of your target for 2 ticks in order to initiate an attack. I entered the village on first tick. It's an exploitation of a known bug with irrefutable proof that it happened.
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I was teleported to EU Shulus. If not I would have just grab troops and sent Mcdeath packin. Just proves to us Squids; Kbw's backed up against the wall and will stoop to any level to stay in the game.

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Re: VC Day - Victory In Calradia
« Reply #104 on: October 23, 2014, 09:40:45 pm »

So, you admit to abusing the enter fief/battle bug?

And no, it's only 1 tick that you have to be there, not 2, FYI. Otherwise, he would have been in the fief before the battle initiated. Logic failure much? It's called simultaneous actions.

Oh, downvotes! Can't handle the truth? I mean it's not like I support gear bugging shit, but don't claim 1 factions is bad, when yours has had sketchy shit too.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 09:44:30 pm by Lt_Anders »
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