Buffing "low level" builds to make them more competitive would be better than nerfing high level builds, since only those allow a bit of hybridization for some classes, and this little customization doesn't come before level 33/34, or it will simply be some kind of joke (like Putting 3PT and 80 throwing wpf/ 3 Shield points), or simply adding IF to the build. (For example, my current builds will simply gain hp from level 32/33 and 34/35). Making level 30 builds better than they are is the best solution to me, and it would give reduce the gap between old and new players, without fucking up all those who played for a long time.
sooo, you want a low lvl build that could do decently against a high level build? like...12 if 12 ps with 118 wpf at 31? that would totally work! thats a brilliant idea man! that sounds really fun!
all sarcasm aside the players that say they left because its boring, have been here forever, believe it or not, not all of us have been here for ever. its not that its getting boring, its how much worse it is vs 1 year ago. or when ever it was that tydouche decided the vast amount of str whores needed to be nerfed. how a known cheater is still a admin \ dev is beyond me, but eh, the damage done by him speaks for itself. and no i dont think he did it to "balance" the game, him and his na friends got a great boast to their play style...how they didnt think EVERY one would start taking 18-24 idk, maybe they want us all to play that. either way, the diversity and player base we had a year ago, has been pretty much destroyed.
not a good look chadz.i say that alot because your game is in a very unique position, melee games and medieval simulators seem to be on the rise, but they are not even close to being mainstream. your main ( possibly your only ) marketing for your new game will be word of mouth, CRPG is quite literally the biggest and greatest advertizement for M:BG, and every crpg player that leaves with a bad taste in his mouth, could end up costing you tons of customers and sales.
i stayed away from crpg for years because of the bad things i heard...i came 1.5 years ago after hearing tons of great things about crpg while playing War Of The Roses...
and yes ...ive donated, i thought strat 4 was so amazing i chipped in some cash. thats an example of word of mouth making you money.
...but now strat is dead
not a good look.