
Should balancers make it a clear goal to make crpg more infantry friendly?

Yes. Melee mechanics are the core of crpg, we should play on that strength.
53 (50%)
No. Ranged and Cav are just as valuable when it comes to gameplay.
53 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 105

Author Topic: Dear balancers.  (Read 12830 times)

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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #45 on: September 22, 2014, 06:17:58 pm »

Implement code that balances teams based on skill points (riding and PD) to prevent one team from becoming stacked with cav and/or archers.

I would suggest doing this for PT too but I do not feel that there are not enough throwers to make it worthwhile.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2014, 06:22:07 pm by To Kill A Dead Horse »
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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #46 on: September 22, 2014, 06:20:12 pm »
infantry is the bread and butter of scrublords
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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #47 on: September 22, 2014, 06:47:11 pm »
I say this thread needs to be placed to Chamber of Tears because all I see is crying, mostly from Thomek.

Man up and adopt to new playstyle gay-way, range is superior not balanced, melee inferior, now grow some balls and stop whining.

Says the most annoying HA in the world :|
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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #48 on: September 22, 2014, 11:10:46 pm »
My alt, Ranged, who is more of my main than my main is, gets pretty high scores sometimes. However, this is because I'm hunting other ranged and cavalry, trying to support my team. I do a whopping 31c damage with my nomad bow and tatar arrows. Don't rage against all of ranged and cavalry, as not all of us are assholes.

To the person who suggested removing 360°,.. hell no. I love going out into a field when there's only a few cav on and playing cat and mouse. If I lost 360° I'd lose that whole aspect of the game.

To the person who suggested removing crosshairs,.. hell no. For previously stated reason that it just benefits the exploiters even more.

To those suggesting a better balancing system,.. yes. I know that we're probably restricted in many ways, but we've been breaking and fixing things (*cough*valor*cough*) and the community bitched about it, but it was fixed and the community stopped bitching. We can try things out for a few days if it's planned to be only a few days. I'm looking at you Tydeus. You've become the bad guy, even if it was those who can push changes up's fault. San has been talking over and over about not being able to properly test things as well. Just give these two guys (maybe others? I dunno) the power to push changes up. This community is pretty okay with being guinea pigs. We'll rage for a day or two if it really messes things up, but it's better than waiting indefinitely with speculations on what we could possibly do. Just go try it out and see what happens. If you guys need the power to do so, start pressuring the devs to give you that power. They're busy dev'ing elsewhere and c-RPG still needs loving too.

To those suggesting a better map rotation,.. yes. I'd love to see more cities where cav and ranged have more trouble. Open maps are boring and a clustercuss, whereas city maps can take major advantage over strategy and tactics.

I think that's all I've got for now, peace out and keep rolling.


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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #49 on: September 22, 2014, 11:51:16 pm »
My statement was you can't further reduce horse maneuverability without removing freelook.  Don't take that out of context, you retards.

IE.  Don't reduce horse maneuverability, you retards.

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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #50 on: September 23, 2014, 12:29:26 am »
i dont know why freelook is even a thing, ive always said from the beginning that shit needed removed, its retarded, the eyes all around you shit is stupid.

If cav gets the same then :D
I don't know enough

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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #51 on: September 23, 2014, 09:12:59 am »
Thomek, do you really think that...

... less damage for ranged and lances
... lower accuracy for ranged
... slower horses
... weaker horses
... higher upkeep for ranged and cavalry

... will change anything? Really? Even if you managed to lower the population of those for infantry "annoying" classes to like 10% each, do you think a battle should consist of 10% archers, 10% cavalry and 80% infantry? How interesting would this be? How much fun? It would basically be the melee only server, and we all know how popular that was.

And even THEN those 20% non-infantry players would...

... shoot you on distance
... shoot you in melee, stunning you
... backstab and trample you
... force you to CONSTANTLY look around you to check for threats
... run away if you try to attack them
... immediately stop and attack you again once you stop chasing them

I know some of those (like running archers) are less of a problem for your Ninja-build, but I am speaking in general, for all infantry. It's the gameplay mechanics, which make the class so unappealing to play in battle mode, and not the balance. There must be a reason that players have always come back to play cavalry and especially archers, after all those nerfs.

No nerf will help fixing this problem, because balance is not the cause of it! How many nerfs did we have up to now? And if you really think about it: how many kills can a good melee player score, how many can a good archer score? Both archers and cavalry are heavily underpowered already, stat wise. And still they make life difficult for infantry.

I think I won't even advertise for Conquest mode any more, you all know what my opinion is by now. All I will say is that you absolutely, positively need to get rid of that Battle Mode. It's poison for infantry.

To me you all go like "Cavalry is the bread and butter class of the game, but in our default game mode which is siege we simply suck! Please nerf archers and infantry". Now what do you think how far should you nerf the class to finally get over the problem of cavalry being not so good in quickly rushing a castle on top of a hill or surprising enemies on a battlement which is 2m broad?

Yeah. And now think about what you are asking for a class which got its opponents nerfed about a DOZEN times already, and which still has problems killing off all enemies, because it is neither fast nor can it attack on long range, but killing is what you have to do. The solution is obvious, I would say, implement a 13th nerf for those classes, perhaps you can finally make them literally unplayable, thus getting rid of them and saving the game... for infantry... for a while, until most infantry players get bored of the clusterfuck in the middle of each round... and cRPG dies for good.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 09:16:14 am by Joker86 »
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #52 on: September 23, 2014, 11:41:50 am »
I agree and disagree Joker.

Point is Archers and Cav in a good players hands easily tops the board with much more kills than infantry atm. They are more than viable. There hasn't been some continous nerf of archers and cav.
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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #53 on: September 23, 2014, 12:40:04 pm »
Every class can easily top the scoreboard if played right in good hands, and if u have less frags than archer/cav on bad range map/bad cav map than ur doing something wrong on the battlefield

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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #54 on: September 23, 2014, 01:02:55 pm »
There hasn't been some continous nerf of archers and cav.

That is not true.
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #55 on: September 23, 2014, 01:36:54 pm »

Go ahead people. Make maps yourself. It's not that hard after all. Joker, go ahead and code your conquest mode. Seems fips have gotten something similar to work for siege, so maybe hook up with him.


Unless someone actually starts DOING something, I consider all talk about maps and conquest dreams diverting from the matter at hand.

The point of my post was to show WHY infantry must be more attractive to play compared to ranged and cav, and this should be reflected by item balance. Why ranged (and cav) should be perpetually kept down in power. Because if infantry becomes unbearable to play, the mod very quickly dies.

"If cRPG is an aquarium or a lake, cav and ranged are the sharks and the piranhas. Infantry is the food. When food runs out, predators will also die (leave mod), albeit a bit later. This is why infantry requires good conditions for having fun, more so than cav and ranged. "

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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #56 on: September 23, 2014, 02:27:06 pm »
Listen up Thomek you nub: battle best mode, infantry best class, more than viable, BUT:

Medium armor is weak against cav, yes

Black hood is very weak against ranged, yes

Katana is very weak at stabbing horses, yes

YOU chose nerf self.

I seldom wear armor, and usually use a joke weapon, but I cannot complain when this goes wrong because I AM CHOOSING to do those things, same as you are choosing to have no head protection, no shield, no spam because you split your wpf and have relatively low Athletics for that playstyle.

Stop nerf self, before nerf others, yadig?
I don't know enough

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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #57 on: September 23, 2014, 02:30:20 pm »

Go ahead people. Make maps yourself. It's not that hard after all. Joker, go ahead and code your conquest mode. Seems fips have gotten something similar to work for siege, so maybe hook up with him.


Unless someone actually starts DOING something, I consider all talk about maps and conquest dreams diverting from the matter at hand.

The point of my post was to show WHY infantry must be more attractive to play compared to ranged and cav, and this should be reflected by item balance. Why ranged (and cav) should be perpetually kept down in power. Because if infantry becomes unbearable to play, the mod very quickly dies.

"If cRPG is an aquarium or a lake, cav and ranged are the sharks and the piranhas. Infantry is the food. When food runs out, predators will also die (leave mod), albeit a bit later. This is why infantry requires good conditions for having fun, more so than cav and ranged. "

And NO. I'm not talking about extreme nerfs or eradicating classes. And yes, I understand the inherent flaws in battle, but to be honest, it cannot be THAT flawed. It has been the most popular mode for the better part of 4 years..

Balancing things also involves actually doing something. You are right, infantry must be more attractive to play, but balance is NOT capable of achieving this. You will ALWAYS have to run after your target, you will ALWAYS have to be in weapon reach to your target, and the other classes will ALWAYS not be restricted in that regard, and this is why infantry will ALWAYS suck on battle mode.

And battle mode is INCREDIBLY flawed, people are just unable or unwilling to see this. It was the most popular mode because it was the closest you could get to represent a real battle. But this doesn't work in a game, which is supposed to be balanced, whereas battles were supposed to be won by any means possible!

Seriously, for me the problem is so clear, I can't believe that everyone who wants a balanced game doesn't stand up and shouts "Stop the nerfs, give us another game mode!", because it is the root of all problems we have in the game (besides the shitty upkeep system).

Just imagine what will happen if you nerf archers and cavalry yet another time. Many of those will either quit playing or change their class, just to notice that they will STILL get shot (unless you lower archer damage or accuracy to 0), and they will STILL get trampled and backstabbed, even with slower, weaker horses and less damaging lances, and it will STILL suck unproportionally more than killing someone in melee after running around most of the time. And eventually they will get back to their initial class, and the complaints will grow again, and in the end nothing will have changed, apart from infantry still having a shitty game, but archers and cavaly having a shittier game than they had before.

There is NOTHING balance can do to stop you from running over the battlefield 95% of the time, trying to reach an enemy with your petty 0.5-3m weapon, who doesn't want to be reached. It is so obvious, and I honestly can not believe how you can assume that 5 points less damage or accuracy or a slower rate of fire or slower or weaker horses or whatever can seriously change how it feels to be infantry in an open map and having to kill archers, cavalry and - worst of all - horse archers. They simply can't!

People in general think very little about what they do in online games. And they have little understanding of how balance works, or why certain features work the way they do. And not many people would relate getting killed repeatedly by the same classes to problems with the game mode, rather than simply claiming the other class would be OP and requesting a nerf for it. And usually that's the case, but not in cRPG! It's a special case, since the classes were not created with some balance in mind, but origin from a game which wanted to resemble medieval warfare pretty accurately.

Let's just summarize what we have:
- a large map
- two teams
- the objective to kill all enemies
- a class which can pick their targets on long range
- a class which engages in melee but is so fast that it can also pick targets
- and finally a class which is neither fast nor can pick targets

So does it sound logic to make that last class which sounds so incredibly shitty stronger by giving them better stats? Would the class sound less shitty to play with? I guess not, it would still be slow and it still would not be able to pick targets.

Another approach would be to change the classes, but since this is medieval warfare we can't simply make up a new class with a less shitty mechanic

So the only, THE ONLY approach left is to change the focus on the classes. Find other aspects than mobility and choice of targets to determine what a class does and how well it does it, and you will fix the problem. If target choice and flexibility become less of an advantage, the issues are gone!

Now once for all: balance is not the solution, nor will it ever be! Compare ranged now to the ranged which was possible before the upkeep! You had plated archers with pinpoint accuracy, automatic fire and causing high damage! Compare that to the slow ass, low ammo, low accuracy low rate of fire archers with crappy melee weapons, and estimate for yourself if the extent of the archer problem lowered proportionally to the lowered power of that class. It did not.

This is not a matter of opinion, whether you want nerfs or not, it's not a general game design question, it is a matter of fact. Infantry does not have the same flexibility like the other classes, but has to play in a game more which relies upon being flexible.

I am not derailing this topic because I am talking about something nobody is working on. I am directing this topic to the ONLY solution possible, although the topic started into the wrong direction, and the only question left is: why is nobody working on that single, possible, only solution we have for that problem?
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 02:34:33 pm by Joker86 »
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #58 on: September 23, 2014, 02:47:44 pm »
What if the ONLY possible way is impossible Joker? Maybe Fips should shed some light on this.

Should we just give up? Just say fuck it?

I'm not campaigning against your solution Joker, it's just that I don't see it happening. (unless someone steps up)

Ranged btw are not nerfed into oblivion by any means. They shoot fast, and do good damage too. Their 1handers are great melee weapons. There has been times when they have been truly nerfed, and during those times server population was good.

Battle is flawed, but not unfixable to a point better than what it is now. That is my point. It doesn't have to be perfect, it doesn't have to be fair, but it can be OKish.

This is my goal. Not some utopia dream mode than will never get done.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 03:00:36 pm by Thomek »
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Re: Dear balancers.
« Reply #59 on: September 23, 2014, 03:00:54 pm »
Keep in mind conquest isn't the only way to solve this problem. Rather than trying to script/help script conquest+battle/xp system, players can simply choose to make battle maps which don't give any advantages to ranged or cav. To clarify, that's not to say you're giving them disadvantages, just that you're not allowing for height advantages, long range shooting or wide open areas.

Might sound boring(these types of maps were among the most popular back in the ATS server days), but each of those grants an advantage to either ranged or cavalry. Arena is one such example of this type of a map (although it's a bit extreme in how straight forward it is). Your choice.
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