Author Topic: Accuracy penalty for ranged weapons, based on helmet type.  (Read 3432 times)

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Accuracy penalty for ranged weapons, based on helmet type.
« on: September 17, 2014, 04:10:19 pm »
Soldiers using ranged weapons throughout history always tended to use a limited range of helmet types due to practicality and physical restrictions.

As an archer and owner of a nasal helmet, i can tell you that you can't properly use a bow with these kinds of helmets, because the nasal gets in the way of the string. You can still shoot, but you must use another stance, with the hand holding the string way lower, decreasing your accuracy. This would be the same for any helmet with face protection (all the close helms) or very broad brim. The broad brim is less of a problem when using a short bow. This shouldn't affect crossbows and thrown.

Thrown weapons should get a small accuracy penalty when used with very broad brimmed helmets and those helmets with a spire (like the tagancha) and a bigger accuracy penalty when used with helmets that have random stuff on top (like the horned great helm and the strange helms).

This is deduced from my experience with bows and javelins while wearing different types of helmets and armors.

There should be even more restrictions or penalties, like the complete inability to use ranged weapons with mittens, be it bows, crossbows or thrown (this is from experience, wearing kote and trying to throw a javelin that ended in a total failure).

But all this will probably never get implemented in the game, and that's the reason I'm posting it in the Realism section. ;)
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Re: Accuracy penalty for ranged weapons, based on helmet type.
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2014, 05:33:59 pm »
All good suggestions and could be further complicated by adjusting the field of view of the player depending on the helmet you use.

HOWEVER, it would totally screw up the balance. I would immediately min-max my helmet from Zitta to Varangopoulos Bascinet for better visibility for example. Same with the mittens which in reality would prolly be far worse for both infantry and ranged as they limit the joint movements and sensing much more. I don't see a way to balance it out properly unless we had weak spots in armor that could be attacked.

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Re: Accuracy penalty for ranged weapons, based on helmet type.
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2014, 05:40:47 pm »

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Offline Akavirius

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Re: Accuracy penalty for ranged weapons, based on helmet type.
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2014, 08:39:16 pm »
Thanks to binocular vision, it would be more like this though :
(click to show/hide)

But i don't like the idea of restricting the FOV because in a video game you don't "feel" your environment or the relative position of all your body parts, you can only see through the screen.

Yes you would be min-maxing, like in real life. Do you need more protection or more awareness?
- For a heavy shock cavalry (cuirassier/gendarme/knight/cataphract), you want the maximal protection : great helm, armet, those eastern helmets with a face plate (litchina and the likes)
- For all archers and typical eastern mounted heavy lancers/archers you want good visibility, and being able to use your bow. So you have helmets like all the mongol helms (and the Timurid/Golden Horde helm) and that tall byzantine helmet. And for Europeans, open bascinet, sallet (with raised visor, or tilted back).
- For armored infantry, you could probably sacrifice awareness for face protection, since you wear a full armor and your face is the only weak spot.
- For lighter infantry, you will NEED that awareness to avoid being hit in all your unarmored parts (see pikeman armor, and in fact everything except full armor).

You should try War Of The Roses, it's F2P (well, free demo : you have 4 default characters, no customization). It has locational damage and limited FOV for helmets. This means that hitting plate with a sword deals (almost) NO DAMAGE, But...hitting the armpit that's only protected with mail WILL.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 08:50:55 pm by Akavirius »
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Re: Accuracy penalty for ranged weapons, based on helmet type.
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2014, 07:02:47 am »
You should try War Of The Roses, it's F2P (well, free demo : you have 4 default characters, no customization). It has locational damage and limited FOV for helmets. This means that hitting plate with a sword deals (almost) NO DAMAGE, But...hitting the armpit that's only protected with mail WILL.

yeah but remember that wotr sucks