Author Topic: Cheap MB tactics Just like Last Strat - all of NA primetime nighttime settings  (Read 16296 times)

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Offline Lt_Anders

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Its not poor planning though I find it funny that you guys think squids plus another 8 man faction is a mega alliance. We don't get much roster support because everyone feels that we hurt their butts in one way or another. Its hard to fill a roster when you don't get more that 45 applicants. The battles are not even fun anymore.

Implying this strat was fun to begin with?
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Offline Keshian

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Like how you drew battle rosters from a month ago tessty when we were wrecking you with equal sized rosters.  There is no such thing as item bugging this strat - they made item ranking so dont be an idiot.  You would still be doing trade runs for the last month with no battles if we hadn't attacked you and no battles for community. 

This was our going away present to the community to burn through our whole armies and provide fun battles.  Then we find out Aldo doesnt hire a bunch of his guys til last minute so he can cry )and i do mean cry (heard from several faction leaders he was practically in tears over strat lol) to half the factions still active about being outnumbered in mercs so they sign for him thinking hes the underdog and yet everytime they actually have 10-15 more mercs.

We could give you a bunch of good fights with our smaller clan with weaker equipment (we didn't spend hundreds of hours trading all strat so we could fight in plate , we dont need plate to do well).  But abusing nighttime settings and roster support - you basically express the last legs of the rotten community left.  Almost all the good community members have left to play other games (another reason why we were leaving after we burned through these troops) and only the jobless MB players who show up 20+ people at all hours of the day and crying james and acre members are really left.  We can just as easily do xp battles with Squids and sloths and say fuck you to you and the other dregs of the community who havent moved on.  You wont fight your other members of your giant alliance, so no more battles for you or your members.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo

Offline Lt_Anders

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We can just as easily do xp battles with Squids and sloths and say fuck you to you and the other dregs of the community who havent moved on.  You wont fight your other members of your giant alliance, so no more battles for you or your members.

Admits to Giant alliance buddies! :twisted:
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Offline Testicleez

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Its not poor planning though I find it funny that you guys think squids plus another 8 man faction is a mega alliance. We don't get much roster support because everyone feels that we hurt their butts in one way or another. Its hard to fill a roster when you don't get more that 45 applicants. The battles are not even fun anymore. Black company I remember talked about attacking kbw at some point but i guess it would suit their back stabbing nature this strat.

When have we ever called you a mega alliance? That's what you guys claim we're in, lol.

You ever think it's because you guys literally attacked every single trader that came through your area that didn't go in your TS for a "ticket," that coupled with the poor shit talking on the forums & in every battle.

Like how you drew battle rosters from a month ago tessty

All 4 of those battles I posted are from the past 6 days, look it up m8. I kept those pseudonyms in the image for a reason.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 06:22:10 am by Testicleez »
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Offline mcdeath

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We are in a giant alliance? This is news to me.
McDeath: This guy doesn't shut his lip, but he's one of the funniest players in-game.

Offline Balikar

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That's their tactic.  If they start losing, it's because of a mega alliance.  Nevermind the fact that they are in their own mega alliance... 

"Ooo, we're going to attack all the cities and fiefs with a great number of troops that aren't being used..."  :: Bypasses the Squid cities and fiefs :::


  • Earl
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Clearly the Squids have won strat 5:

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Offline imisshotmail

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strategus is only awful because people are too concerned about "not losing" than doing anything else. I have no idea why though really because there is 0 benefit to being around in Strategus if you aren't having battles. It's sad tho that a lot of the people saying "This Strategus is dead who cares" and ect, have just been stockpiling troops for the entire time without doing basically anything (astralis, occitan, frisia, mb and more).

Whether you like Kesh or the Squids they atleast have been attacking and trying to do stuff so you can understand why it's annoying to them when things like this happen.

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Also all the people who talk about "not caring" about strat are usually the people who sign up en masse on defense whenever an active faction attacks some faction who does nothings fief/army and start talking about NOT LETTING THEM GET TOO BIG and shit like that lol.

Offline Keshian

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It takes all of our faction members efforts throughout the day to even get 30 mercs to show up, most of our friends were smart and left this shit community before we did our blaze of glory on our way out.  You check an hour before a battle and get a guaranteed 40+ mercs show up.  Why?  Because every single member of mb, acre, astralis, and lco exclusively mercs for each other. 

Basically all the factions that never attacked anyone and did nothing all strat are friendly and thats 70% of the remaining active strategus community, if not more. What little is left of his dying mod is saying "we want trade simulator 2014!"  If you wanted more you would do something to support the only members actually participating in a war game.  Instead all the trade-simulators merc against the only active factions attacking anyone on the map.  We are heavily outnumbered with weaker gear and yet we still attack to give the community battles knowing it will be rough fighting plate and weapons that costs more than our armor because they have dozens of members that spent countless hours in last 8 months doing trade runs and nothing else in a war game.

However, instead of being glad for the xp and the battles provided we get trolled by the daycare clan, have nighttime setting abused and aldo crying to all the remaining factions abut how under-merced they are.  We can just as easily provide xp abttles for our friends only and sit in castles while you guys go back to 4 more months of trade simulator.  We have the power because you are too cowardly and passive to do anything but what you do and you dont stand a chance against us when we are defending at primetime.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo

Offline Oreo

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You fucks and your 'trade simulator' bullshit.

Seriously?  How do you think you geared your armies?  Doing the exact. same. thing.
Well that and taking EU's stuff.. and letting them throw full transitional plate at you.. for free pretty much..
Arowaine: probably cause i told dupre he is a piss of shit


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I can't help but gaze into that chart and wonder why 3 FUCKING EU factions have done more this strat then like 70% of NA.

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We are in a giant alliance? This is news to me.
Maybe arrowhine would like to feed you guys more troops like they did for asstrails? rofl...
You fucks and your 'trade simulator' bullshit.

Seriously?  How do you think you geared your armies?  Doing the exact. same. thing.
Well that and taking EU's stuff.. and letting them throw full transitional plate at you.. for free pretty much..

Clearly missing the point. Believe me they could have got a lot more gear if grey order didn't pack it up. I will also take my crown and engraved Masterwork.


  • Earl
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Bad night time settings on one fief = KbW using cheap tactics and abusing game features.

No question they abuse features:

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You should give up your adminship if you're going to be spouting out bias opinions like this on the forum. Go do something constructive like fix the game.

Offline Testicleez

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You know, I might not like 1 or 2 of the Squids, but I applaud them for attacking us & still having the balls to trash talk and claim themselves winners.

Kesh on the other hand, is just a cry baby:
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You didn't see us making threads & crying when we lost all 4 of our desert fiefs. Wipe your tears and grow a sack.
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