Instead of a poll, you could just post a thread with a post for each map you are suggesting to be removed, and then people can upvote/downvote the post to indicate their agreement. This way you can filter out Huseby, EU trolls, etc. Also a good way to renown whore if you care about that (who does?). Results are harder to see at a glance though.
Upvote/downvote would work pretty well... but if I am only adding posts for maps that are in question, I think I will be gaining a lot more infamy.
But as you said, I couldn't care less what my renown-infamy ratio was. I will try and get something started soon... only question is should it be posted in General Discussion (where people will see it... unwanted people included) or in the Scene Editing area (where it technically belongs, and will inevitably get moved to should it be started in General Discussion)? Maybe it should stay in the Scene Editing part of the forums so less trolls show up? Not sure which the best approach would be. It all depends on whether you guys think we can gather enough siege bros in order to have a well-represented vote by word of mouth alone or not.
Seconded, but Jona has to promise to play alts at least half the time if we do manage to revive NA2. Dat long axe
Only sometimes... maybe. I have been playing on my swashbuckler alt a lot recently, but I have to say it is definitely far better to use in battle. First off, I went agi, so my swings pack the punch of a soft summer breeze and my armor is about as damage resistant as water-logged newspaper. It really doesn't make for a fun time when you have to jump into the fray all the time. Secondly, I lack a shield. Being a shielder is far better in typical siege scenarios, and I might even retire or respec into a shielder really soon. While being a shielder is better, being a high level polearm spammer is even better than that!
Also, we should all let this moment go down in history, when even at 4am EST (what am I doing with my life?) NA siege was still going strong, stronger than NA1, even. I backed out hours ago, but damn... impressive, guys!
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loginIt helped that we had a couple admins around to change the map whenever we got to an "OMG PLZ REMOVE" map.