Author Topic: Attn: NA Siege Bros  (Read 9057 times)

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Attn: NA Siege Bros
« on: August 30, 2014, 08:02:58 pm »
Hey, something amazing happened this morning -- people were playing in siege instead of battle.  It wasn't even a conquest map.  Even now, at 1pm, siege has a healthy population.  This has not happened in a long time, and it's a beautiful thing.  However, there is a specific reason this happened today, and I want to discuss it.

Very early this morning, there was a dude fucking around on siege.  He had FIVE computers going, each with a different character, all in siege.  He was "playing" 5 characters at once.  (I won't give his name away in case he gets in trouble).  This by itself is strange, yet unremarkable -- however, since it looked like 5 people were playing siege early in the morning, and none in battle, other people started joining.  By the time only 3 people joined, we were able to have 8 players and win a multiplier.  This encouraged yet MORE people to join.  After a while the dude with 5 bots playing left, but the deed had been done: Siege was jump started and people are still playing it even up until this very moment.  This weirdo with 5 computers and 5 CD keys single-handedly saved NA Siege for the day.  To be honest, I don't think that is what he set out to do, but even so -- he is an amazing genius and hero.  This got me thinking:  How can we keep this going?

My idea I want to discuss: What do other players think about having a few bots in Siege (like 3-5) when the server is empty?  The bots would go away once a few real players joined.  This would accomplish a few things.  1) people would be more likely to join the empty server and get things going.  2) only a handful of players would be needed to get the "8-player multi minimum" and therefore reach a point when larger groups of others are likely to join.

Many many players say they would play siege if it wasn't empty all the time -- yet no one wants to be the first lonely soul in the server.  This may be just what we need to jump-start some life back in to NA siege.  Let me know what you think!

Whatever the consensus, I applaud the eccentric Sir who allowed NA Siege another change at life today.

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Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2014, 08:09:09 pm »
now you tell us who it was

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Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2014, 08:15:14 pm »
My idea I want to discuss: What do other players think about having a few bots in Siege (like 3-5) when the server is empty?  The bots would go away once a few real players joined.  This would accomplish a few things.  1) people would be more likely to join the empty server and get things going.  2) only a handful of players would be needed to get the "8-player multi minimum" and therefore reach a point when larger groups of others are likely to join.

Well no one likes playing with bots, and if this is implemented people will know that those 5 people it says are in the server are just bots.
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings cmp, I would feel pretty bad too if I was a useless no life virgin who spent his adulthood making video games LOL
its ok though, now i have more time to - all the posters i dont like
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Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2014, 08:27:10 pm »
now you tell us who it was

who wants to take bets on who it is
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Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2014, 08:28:24 pm »
Bots do kinda suck, but it would be a hell of a lot better than a big fat 0.

Said bots better be on hard mode.

As someone who loves siege, I'm willing to try anything.
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Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2014, 08:40:06 pm »
who wants to take bets on who it is


gimme my money
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Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2014, 08:42:08 pm »
I blame OP :mrgreen:

Acting suspiciously unsuspicious :lol:
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Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2014, 09:27:51 pm »
In order for bots to be added there would have to be AI paths added to every non native map(assuming that they allready are not). That would take many hours of no-fun labor.
We're all nerds here, so it doesn't really matter.

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Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2014, 09:34:04 pm »
If AI pathing has to be put in, the idea may be dead in the water.   But note this: the guy that was playing 5 characters was only actually using one at a time.  The other 4 were stationary -- and people still joined.  Even bots that just stand there and block or get slaughtered may be better than nothing.

If there were 5 bots, it's true people would know that the 5 players in there are bots -- but people like me would still join the server to fight bots for 5 or 10 mins in hopes of someone else joining.  This is a much better prospect than joining the server with 0 players and just jerking off while you wait...which no one does really.

In terms of the identity of the multi-boxer -- I think Tydeus knows who it was, since he joined the server and started using the show names cheat.  I tried to stick up for the unknown hero, and explain to Ty what he had actually accomplished.  However, the fate of the anonymous genius remains unknown.

Edit: ok ok, I'll tell you what I know.  The guy with 5 players just had them named "Baby3, Baby4, Baby5, Baby6, Baby7."  They were all peasants.  I love you Baby.  I'll never forget you.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2014, 09:42:15 pm by Penitent »

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Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2014, 01:28:20 am »
This seems like the lazy way out, EU has more than shown that siege after dying can easily be populated again, the only thing stopping us is ourselves. Here's the solution, when you see no one in siege, go to battle and ask people to do siege, then go to siege. If that doesn't work, then too bad, it's the community that's the problem. The greatest example of this is when I got me and 4 other hessians on siege with gallo and one other siege regular, that's 7 people. We waiting for about 30 mins to an hour until most of us decided to leave. Siege then preceded to die until later that day. So if people are unwilling to join even with 7 people then I don't think the problem is something that can be or should  be fixed with bots. More than anything it's probably the mood of the average player that determines the fate of siege each day.
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Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2014, 04:59:21 am »
This seems like the lazy way out, EU has more than shown that siege after dying can easily be populated again, the only thing stopping us is ourselves. Here's the solution, when you see no one in siege, go to battle and ask people to do siege, then go to siege. If that doesn't work, then too bad, it's the community that's the problem. The greatest example of this is when I got me and 4 other hessians on siege with gallo and one other siege regular, that's 7 people. We waiting for about 30 mins to an hour until most of us decided to leave. Siege then preceded to die until later that day. So if people are unwilling to join even with 7 people then I don't think the problem is something that can be or should  be fixed with bots. More than anything it's probably the mood of the average player that determines the fate of siege each day.

Actually, NA is ahead of EU when it comes to population decay.  You will soon be in this position too.  Going to the battle server and trying to rally support used to work more often than it does now.  Siege is always empty, all week, at all times.  It's getting desperate for those of us who only really like siege, as well as those that simply prefer it.

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Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2014, 06:17:50 am »
It would be funny to see the DTV round bosses as the bots on siege xD
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Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2014, 08:42:17 am »
...siege after dying can easily be populated again, the only thing stopping us is ourselves.

Agree to disagree. With the current rotation where we jump around from 2 or so good siege maps in a row, to an at least 1 hour conquest map, then to another good ole siege map, and then to a siege-turned-conquest map which sucks with 30 second defense respawns... NA2 just isn't siege anymore. The only people that join the server and stick around for any extended period of time are those that simply play this game for fun. Too many people are obsessed with the grind-y aspects of this mod (with good reason... the higher level you get the better you get, the better you get the more fun you can have... no one wants to be a level 15 peasant for too long) since being at a low level, or not having so many looms, proves to be a huge disadvantage. Maybe we can muster 5 or so siege fans who couldn't care less if siege even gave xp or gold. Well, that is a whopping 5 people. Everyone else who shows up to both have fun, and of course get their reward of xp/gold. The current rotation is absolutely horrid and scares away any who come for the rewards. Got a multiplier after a couple of the siege maps? Great, because now you will be stuck on defense on a siege-turned-conquest map where you are pretty much guaranteed to lose. And what comes after that loss? A real conquest map, with at least 2 full 30 minute rounds (hurray perma x2!). Then as if that vicious cycle isn't bad enough, there is the literally broken conquest map that never ends (Shariz, I think its name was).

Whenever people are stuck on a conquest map and have to deal with an hour of x2, they more often than not leave. Whenever people get stuck on the defending side in a siege-turned-conquest map with an x5 up until then, they will probably leave out of pure rage due to their multi being "stolen." Lastly, whenever Shariz comes around, MAYBE people will play through the first round (probably only those with high enough multipliers), but since it can't end everyone inevitably leaves if no admins can be contacted quickly enough to change the map. People won't even stick around to wait for an admin since no xp is given once the timer runs out. This mod encourages getting the most xp/gold as quickly as possible since it only makes the game better down the road, and with such an unstable rotation, it is no wonder people have all but abandoned NA2. At least in NA1 if you are stuck on the losing team, there is always the hope for valor (which almost never happens in a fully drawn-out siege round), or the chance that next map (which is never too long away) you will be on the winning side. If you are stuck on an x2 on a conquest map, there is neither hope of being on the winning team or getting valor for at least 30 minutes. Not to mention that in NA1 you can win a round an start improving your multiplier within minutes. If you join and siege is on a conquest map, you are gonna be waiting a good long while to increase the multi... almost no one joins NA2 while a conquest map is on.

Back when conquest was removed from NA2, we at least got the server up and running most nights during primetime and could keep it going for a good 2 hours, 3 if lucky. And that was plenty, really. True that it was a shame you couldn't just hop on whenever you wanted to enjoy some siege action, it was still far better than no siege at all. Besides, not many of us play more than 2 or 3 hours a day (I hope so, anyways), so that was all the time you needed to get your daily crpg fix. Nowadays... you know how it is. Maybe if a whole clan, or an organized NA1 to NA2 migration occurs, siege can get started up. However, it dies out sooner than ever before for the above reasons. People are willing to play siege, but people are unfortunately not willing to part with their sweet, sweet xp.
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Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2014, 10:37:40 am »
But note this: the guy that was playing 5 characters was only actually using one at a time

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Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2014, 12:08:13 pm »
How about just lowering the required multi population to 5, 4 or even less?

I have never seen anyone cheat by abusing low pop.
A minimum of 8 players for multi is a completely arbitrary number, it could just as well be less.