Id strongly recommend Gundam Unicorn to anyone who hasn't seen it yet and is a Gundam fan.
It's a Seven Part OVA series taking place in the Universal Century time line several years after the events of Char's Counter Attack.
The story is great, if not a bit rushed (It is an OVA series after all) and the animation and dialogue are both amazing.
Also, anyone who has been following the other gundam series in the same timeline will be very pleased to see a great variety of familiar mobile suits and characters from the previous series (with the aforementioned mobile suits often doing battle with one another in scenes where the central characters/pilots arent even present). They also don't hesitate to kill off central characters, which is great.
The first of the next two episodes wont even be dropped until soemtime in spring 2013, so enjoy the first five! You'll more than likely end up sitting on pins and needles waiting for six to drop

Some Spoilers in this vid, but here's a taste. Stop the video once you've gotten the idea if you dont want anything spoiled!