Ok ok so krems leaders start jihad on us ? Just because we ask them to stop breaking our balls with voice command or to be usefull on battlefield instead leeching huging at spawn ?
what a fucking proof of professionalisme we have here.
You're breaking your own balls by not ignoring or muting us. And you cry about it later. so because you want to troll and flood i should remove an option of the game?
i use it everyday i play and it's usefull. it's not working like this you have to stop flood.
what about the other complain u got about it ? you dont give a fuck about ppl no?
what about rules ?
- No abuse of in-game chat (racism, insulting, griefing, spamming...)Few weeks ago i sent some message to krems to tell them, guys you break to many rules, you act like if you was above them and you piss off people.
as friend i wanted to warn them before this shit go to far but i got no answer ... or just some more spam voice ingame.
Because none of us did something wrong except pissing you off. And we didn't even do this on purpose.
you guys did nothing wrongs ? lol you blind ? look at screenschot...
brocoding, leeching, delaying, camping unreachable roof...
yeah i guess u blindso i will cut and paste some lines of crpg rules just to refresh some memory coz you know trolls are not rly smart...
You're insulting us again, and still expecting us to reason with you. Now that's smart. be honest you bunch of trolls and proud of it....show must go on :
End of round a la krems fraicheYeah, and they definately did this for more than a few seconds. Fucking hell...
so breaking rules if fine for u ? everybody on chat was complaining about it, you not pissed off only me you know ... but again u look like dont give a fuck about others...Krems flood (on this screen u can see i try to lead the troops but too hard with so much flood)
You're trying to "lead the troops" ahahahahahahahahahaha. You were dead, while your team (including us) won a 10000 vs 4. Good job. I'm sure we'd have lost the round without your wise Leadership.
hmm it was begining of round i was not dead yet you wrong.
each start of round you krems always start to floodbegining of round and already trolling what a nice hatitude for an admin.
Just fuck you. Why do you even bother taking screens of that
. You're pathetic man.
your turn to insult me now ?
and same question what about brocode and break rules ?
look like u dont give a fuck no ?
and you are a bad admin.we get muted when we complain about krems hatitude
I muted everyone because you were pissing ppl off. If you'd have something where your brain should be, you would notice that i also muted Juta and Minjy - both Kremsmembers. You were bitching around because of nonsense - just like now btw. we was speaking about krems attitude so yeah your krems was arguing, it's call a conversation dude, so why censure and abuse of power ??
so yeah cool you muted krems for this time but how many u let them break rules? i repeat : brocode, dealaying, camping roof with siege shield and many others?
you was just bored to hear thruth but you cant accept it.
coz we cant do nothing against troll admins pepe use one of the only way he have to try to make stop minjy's bull shit and minjy as proffesional admin he's, just poll back pepe ... There's no proof i even was on that server... ok there is no proof what about others screen who proof many things?
btw i was speaking of minjy not you, coz i dont have problems with you but with all krems attitude.here is a strange krems tradition, put siege shield and grind on it then do the poser during all round."Krems tradition" - your screen shows one dude standing on a siegeshield. Way to go sherlock. what was the utility of this? exept posing and be useless to his team?an other strange tradition : flooding
that's so funny to be in fight and get this flood...Get fucked. First of all, i did this once, when i was drunk - second of all, i'm not the only admin doing this some times.
yeah for sure happend to me too when i was admin on pecores server, but i never press it to get a full page of it, same for other admins so u just say bullshit.at first view it look like a good idea but that mean during all round that krems did nothing during all round just tried to survive to be able to do the master troll of year !!! yeah puting siege shield to cover flags in tavern map... at the end he got raped been useless to team.
lol yeah. Got "raped" on in a 6 vs 1 situation, being on the winning team. Get your facts straight idiot. lol only a troll can think, oh i have best idea of year i'm gonna running away during all round and put some siege shield around the flags when it spawn. just to look kewl.
maybe he should try to help team instead think about some trolling plan.
having one krems in team is playin with one less guy.... because you know he's preparing some bullshit like thison this screen you can see me team killing minjy because he's brocoding and put himself between me and opponent."on this screen you can see me team killing minjy" - nothing more to add. If he'd reported you, you would've been banned. On this screen, you're the one breaking rules.what about the brocoding and be shieldmeat to cover enemies when a team mate try to do what he's suposed to do?
you fucking know if minjy did nothing it's because he was breaking rules ?
what can you say now ?
an other screen of posing, he stayed during all round at this place and moved like 30 sec before end...in a 12 vs 6 situation. And what were you doing during that time? Looking at him the whole time? That's a good way to be helpful for your team too. lol u act like a kid and try to push the fault on me ? =p
so the guy who pose is ok but me taking screenshot not ?
for your information i took the screen when i saw it because krems always do that.
then i went to fight , i killed the guys i had to kill came back (end of round)to check if he was still posing, and i let you guess, you will never believe me. yeah he was still posing because krems love to leech a be useless to their team....
minjy (the most usefull admin) aka the monkey roof breaking rulesMinjy is not an admin. And again: get your fucking facts straight before you spam our clantopic. Plus he got down in the end. Trollish yes - but only illegal for the oversensitive ones. No offense.
but minjy have admin password no ?
me spamming you clan topic ? i posted 2 things nothing else
how a pro flooder like you cant make difference between 2 post and spam ?
so because he went down at the end and did nothing during all round he's ok ?
yeah krems are angel and if people complain about them it's because people are evil...
you right funny little man.
flag spawning team is loosing but its ok trolling is so fun for everyone minjy stay on his roof ...Fair enough. That wasn't cool. omg i dream or you opened a little bit your eyes ?finaly the monkey roof went down and u can see people complain about it, but what can we do ? he's krems and admin... Yeah maybe he got down because he realized, he's pissing ppl off. ANNND again: He's not an admin. if i had to take a screenshot everythime i saw krems/soa do this...
i saw some of my team member run into underground in arena then saw fin run into it and brocoding with half of my team and hiding behind them, just after i took the screen shot fin and some team members started to build many seige shied and stakes... i broke all and killed fin... i play war game not hello kitti online.
(fin is on top right corner, no banner, not fighting...)Haha. that's just blackbow: Players from 5 different clans having fun - yes they are trolling. But they're not harming anyone. And the only one who's getting pissed is some french crybaby who isn't even involved. Good job.
but you agree you was breaking rule by brocoding?
yes or no ? above the rules because you want to do the clown so you have excuses?
when your leaders / admin do shit rest of the clan do shit too ... let's flood it's so funny ...what? i don't even know what you mean. (btw. u can mute players, you know...)
btw you can go F your self again why i should remove option of the game because somme people want to flood ?
and i mean by flooding you encourage other trolls at following you, is it an attitude for a responsible admin?let's brocode during all round that make us look so cool
That's indeed not cool. and if i would've been there i would've warned them. LIKE I WOULD'VE WARNED A BROCODING MERC - and don't tell me that never happend.
i will use your tactic for this one "LIE" !!
first if i do this it's because you let your clan members do all bullshit they want.
you fucking laxist admin.
second i dont brocode i choose wisely my targets, you will never see me huging a mercs from enemies team during all round.... how times we saw that from krems?
too many...here is a link of my last ban thread againt voice flooders
http://forum.melee.org/eu-%28official%29/ban-abusive-voice-command-spam/?topicseeni asked many times to fin in chat admin to stop this flood but he was so busy at flooding he could not read my sentences (in pink) in admin chat...
on the screen you can see fin say :
"i couldn't read it because of the spam lol "
like i said in my thread it's sad if an admin cant read admin chat coz too busy at flooding voice command.
Yeah. It's a rough world for poor tearbow. yeah and admin job is too hard for you trollkrems =)so know admins/devs please open the eyes and do something !
admins and devs have their eyes opened all the time, but there's nothing to be done. You only create ignorance towards you with that kind of requests. Because they're not legit and completely lack common sense.
not legit ? and again how much complain u got about you or krems since 1 month ?
3 or 4 ? i'm pretty sure if your clan dont change attitude some others will followor it's not enough and you want more screens ?
Maybe if you'd have some screens that actually would show something illegal - AND IF YOU WOULDN'T LIE, Admins and devs would react.you blind my screens show many illegual stuff but you stuck on your position l or i have to start recording ?
Or maybe, you should try find another hobby - or maybe get a job? Or a girlfriend? Or train your cat? LITERALLY ANYTHING that makes you care less and loosen up a little.
why u dont give up with admin and focus on developing? coz u not made for it!
or what about read again rules and try to follow them and for one time try to be a bit empathic and think about others ?
does sex friend count as girlfriend ? =pso minjy and fin you cool guys but you both sucks at this job, just give up ....
once again - minjy is not an admin! And if he was i would REMOVE HIS RIGHTS MYSELF, because i know he's too trolly for the job.
And really... You have no idea what an admins job is: it's basically to use common sense - which obviously is something you don't possess. You also have to investigate crimes, and don't rush to a conclusion. But i think that's something you don't understand either...OH OH sir i was admin on pecores server fro like 1 year, all trolls was comming to play on it because at this time admins was more strict and they was doing their job.
so all troll players was coming on pecores server thinking they was out of the official server admin control. it was an hard job ... so yeah i know how is it to be admin
that's why i allow myself to critic your job... coz i know the job... btw i remember when we had serious admins i was able to ask them to warn someone to make him stop flood voice command coz it's boring and against crpg rules.
it might be boring for you. And that "rule" was bypassed by introducing a VC limit. So for the last time: get your facts straight!
flooding is flooding and when all a clan is flooding the bypassed stuff is not working...
but like i said u cant understand that coz u just want have fun and dont give a fuck about others !to all of you who said "guys you can just QMV" i will say : go fuck yourself i will not remove a game option just because you want to flood.
And neither will we remove the same game feature, just because you can't handle your feelings you poor, grim gnome. who spoke about removing game feature when u just have to controll your self at stop trolling and flooding ?
how does it feel to be an asshole who dont give a fuck about people when they ask you gently to stop it ?
i need those voice command on battlefield it can save lifes !!!
also krems you know u can use them to lead the team and bring more fun/pleasure to your team instead of breaking balls...
this community make me sick ...
You make this community sad. you make me sad and bored !And now i've spent half an hour with that crap. Why would anyone do this by choice?!
Oh.. i forgot it's blackbow we're talking about.
I really hope your life will get a bit more interesting some day, so that you don't have to care that much about your virtual one...
oh lol what a low tactic just to try to hurt me, attacking about real life...
only pussies in lack of argument use this kind of stuff.
just stick on the problem, my life is fine =)
And for the record:
It's not even me keeping them in line. They're never out of line. They're dancing on it. And if one of them steps over the line, i punish him or her. Simple as that.
LIES !!! So once and for all:
Shut the fuck up if you've got nothing to show than your very own, personal issues.
ok now it's sure you are blind, just tell me if you cant see all the screenshots
i will discribe them for you.
oh wait i already did it so u cant read neither ?
screenshots proov everything i said you lie not me
krems have shit attitude... and piss off peoples...
that's pure thruth
i know you all since so long time i had lot of fun with you,we was friend, i tried the cool way but u dont give a fuck...
why now suddenly i would start to lie and do this ?
what i have to win at liying ?
since you made this new voices pack you think its your toy and you abuse of it and piss off people...
about krems attitude it like this since the soa ... now it's boring to start a round with half the team huging at spawn or doing other bullshit.
i'm not a lier what about you ?
i guess you not but you just blind and cover your troops and defend your clan it's just natural defense reaction.