Crab mentality affects mostly gangs, not especially blacks, except if you use local examples.
Elite or not, immigrants or not, black or not, if you have to live in a criminalized ghetto, you have a much larger chance to become a part of the circle, but even the pennyless and uneducated people will have a much larger chance to become a productive member of the society if they can live in a better situation.
I dont automatically believe that the shooting is related to race, so why speak about races at all, artificially creating two groups of black people, the elite and the gangsters? Its not that simple, your speech is way too black and white.
The capitalist system (most peaceful, prosperous and tolerant that has ever existed in the entirety of human history)
People were speaking about broken window being violent, and you deem a system that mechanically put benefits of a minority above the people's livelihood as most peaceful and tolerant system?
You dont agree with billwitt, ok, but your comparison sucked tits.
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