Author Topic: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.  (Read 6185 times)

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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2014, 11:08:08 pm »
Tips : Drop your javelins and get jarids.

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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2014, 05:01:54 am »
fix the fookin stacking issues, no reason that picking up a balanced throwing lance makes you drop an entire stack of equipment because it doesnt share the same name. 

On Another note, i had people telling me my lances were only doing 1/8th of their health with body shots.  Pretty sad how shit the lances are unless you are some kind of full throwing gimmick build.  Might as well pick up the spears or jarids since they are so much better.  This is with 6pt and 110wpf, at lvl 28, since i cant really split the wpf any better, i already have absolutely shit melee wpf with 46 pole.

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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2014, 07:02:27 am »
To me it feels like throwing has the most random damage. Sometimes throwing lances deal minimal damage (like 20%), and then sometimes I still get one shot by a stone.

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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2014, 08:06:08 am »
To me it feels like throwing has the most random damage. Sometimes throwing lances deal minimal damage (like 20%), and then sometimes I still get one shot by a stone.

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Anyways, devs need to take a closer look into the DMG / Ammo ratio to make throwing balanced.

Right now, you simply dont do enough dmg or run out of ammo to fast.

I have 7 PT and MW throwing lances, i still have to use 3 lances on decent armored players. Thats half my ammo stack, right now i just wait for people to bleed before i start to skirmish.

IMHO throwing is just for shit n gigles, STF or troll builds.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 09:02:35 am by Tzar »
I've never played a server where people split up as much or as often as on EU1.  No wonder range is having a field day.

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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2014, 09:24:45 am »
0 has accurate depictions for how much non-speed bonus damage you're dealing on body shots. Limbs take penalties to damage, too, up to like 65% or something (can't recall exactly).

Throwing lances by themselves have low maximum potential damage. You need to supplement that with at least 1 stack of throwing daggers to balance its potential compared to jarids and like 1.5 for throwing spears. Dealing 33 damage per hit against a guy with 67 hp will still require 3 shots. Maximizing ammo economy by switching between lances and melee/daggers is just a single tactic out of many that helps wrack more kills. Additionally, I feel that jarids/throwing spears/HTAs and TAs are all great when carrying 4 stacks.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 09:41:44 am by San »

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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2014, 09:47:09 am »
Throwing is by far the easiest and most effective way to eliminate high priority targets in battle, assuming they aren't using a shield. Then you're fucked.
You should be punished for having a shitty attitude.

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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2014, 11:03:52 am »
Throwing missile speed is terrible tho, especially with things like the hammers and axes you see the missile coming inflight and have enough time to sidestep it. Give them a speed buff of roughly 3-4 points, Jarids and lances seem too arrive at much faster speed and have a better damage type against most common battlefield targets (pierce instead of cut/blunt). But thats just my view as a non thrower who hates fighting jarids other throwing projectiles of that nature but loves the slow motion spinning axes and hammers.
Smooth is the admin NA deserves. Not being that much better, EU deserves Thomek.
[18:25] <@chadz> soon(tm)

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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2014, 06:52:02 am »
I was trying out Javelins because my understanding is that the higher damage weapons reduce your  throwing wpf. at 4.5 armor weight my average dmg with javelin is 15 and wpf drops from 120 to 65. Throwing spears adds one more ammo per stack which is 2 because i carry a military scythe. Running with jarids will reduce my ammo count but increase average damage to 17.

   I don't stack up with kills because the accuracy penalty is redonculous, not only that but I try not to throw into melee combat as a way of honoring a duel plus I don't want to be that guy who friendly fires because of greed. So most of the time I'm throwing at archers which are hard to hit and are firing back much quicker, or I'm throwing at infantry which are quick to pounce.  My melee is weak compared to pure melee fighters so I end up loosing money with all the upkeep.

  That sounds nowhere near op to me. Like I said though, I can hit almost anything when I'm wearing almost no armor but I was still getting slaughtered because I either get one shotted by archies or charge the meatgrinder after my ammo was out. But like Andswaru mentioned, if you see them coming then they are pretty easy to dodge.

   Historically there were many armored warriors who would throw before engagement effectively, so saying that it's not a feasible build only applies to the game. The balance should come from the added weight and the skill points dedicated.
  Also loosing weapon accuracy with power throw?? I don't see the sense in that. But thanks for all the replies.

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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2014, 08:17:45 am »
PT increases your accuracy and then the wpf penalty kicks in. Difficulty and damage also decrease it. It's convoluted. You're right in the fact that it's easy to just see the less damaging/lower difficulty weapons as more accurate.

A build that throws before engaging works fine, but in this game the tradeoffs against having a pure build gives each style merit. 2 stacks of throwing lances, throwing daggers, and a 0 slot 1hander works. So does your 2 stacks of jarids, 1 stack of throwing daggers, and military scythe. Efficient ammo economy and when to melee are both important skills. Throwing melee hybrid requires great melee skills to make up for the stat disadvantage if you want to prioritize melee or evenly distribute. Melee builds with a tiny bit of throwing are really only limited to throwing daggers at ranged.

Code: [Select]
Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

    Strength: 15
    Agility: 21
    Hit points: 60

    Skills to attributes: 2

    Ironflesh: 5
    Power Strike: 5
    Athletics: 7
    Power Throw: 5
    Weapon Master: 7

    One Handed: 13
    Two Handed: 13
    Polearm: 100
    Throwing: 142

This and 18/18 are the most generic builds that will work. I will personally increase throwing to 160 and get 54wpf just to melee somewhat decently against archers. A pure build can go 15-24 or 18-24/21-21 and 3 athletics quite easily if they don't want to melee that much, giving them much more throwing power.

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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2014, 04:57:30 pm »
you shouldnt have to be a throwing gimmick build with all in stats to be a thrower, or else what in the hell is the point in it, its a useless strat item then. 

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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2014, 05:44:06 pm »
you shouldnt have to be a throwing gimmick build with all in stats to be a thrower, or else what in the hell is the point in it, its a useless strat item then.
It's not useless, it's that there aren't enough throwers(as their main) to warrant buying/looming throwing weapons so that you can ensure that every army has throwing. It's one of those things where you have to fulfill some requirement(have lots of throwers) in order to get the desired outcome, but the only way to fulfill the requirement, is to basically already have fulfilled the requirement and thus achieved your desired outcome (have clans with good throwing weapons).
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Offline Mendro

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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2014, 06:25:42 pm »
It's not useless, it's that there aren't enough throwers(as their main) to warrant buying/looming throwing weapons so that you can ensure that every army has throwing. It's one of those things where you have to fulfill some requirement(have lots of throwers) in order to get the desired outcome, but the only way to fulfill the requirement, is to basically already have fulfilled the requirement and thus achieved your desired outcome (have clans with good throwing weapons).

Price of throwing stuff in strat still high compare to others range class.

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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2014, 07:06:07 pm »
Price of throwing stuff in strat still high compare to others range class.
It's not useless, it's that there aren't enough throwers(as their main) to warrant buying/looming throwing weapons so that you can ensure that every army has throwing.
Indeed, were they free, there'd be no reason not to. Convince chadz/harald to implement a price modifier for throwing weapons in strat (has to be done from the website).
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Offline AntiBlitz

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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2014, 08:16:52 pm »
It's not useless, it's that there aren't enough throwers(as their main) to warrant buying/looming throwing weapons so that you can ensure that every army has throwing. It's one of those things where you have to fulfill some requirement(have lots of throwers) in order to get the desired outcome, but the only way to fulfill the requirement, is to basically already have fulfilled the requirement and thus achieved your desired outcome (have clans with good throwing weapons).

kind of speaks for itself if the population doesnt want to bother doing throwing or looming it for that matter.


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Re: Throwing needs to be fixed. Maintenance & movement needs work.
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2014, 07:21:21 am »
Throwing weapons aren't more expensive than any other items in Strat, but the standard load out for a thrower, hybrid or not always requires 2 or more stacks of a throwing item, which makes it severely cost inefficient.  That is, compared to your standard two hand hero, polearm or shielder.  Maybe not expensive as cav, but generally not as efficient.  Of course, Strat economy is different than the upkeep system where you can't pay for the same item multiple times in a round, but in Strat you pay for all 2-4 stacks no matter what.

The solution would be to lower the price of throwing, of course.  Then consider raising the price of bows and crossbows, but lowering the price of the ammo,