I've never been a big fan of open plains maps, but we could probably do with a few every so often just to change the pace and make things more interesting
Could we have a few different map lists that we swap every so often? Theres loads of old maps i'd like to play that I can't really describe that well and don't know the name of, but would be nice to play them occasionally. There used to be a few snowy maps that were quite good. Oh and remember that one with the huge ice lake in the middle you could fight on, with some ruins around on the sides? Also the one that looked like a WW2 battlefield. Just a smallish muddy looking flatish map
The ice one is Peipus Lake, it was alright, probably still in the files. The one looking like a battlefield is called Horrors of the Battlefield. I thought it was no fun to play with too little cover, I always just got shot and nobody really wanted to charge. It also had these little tree stumps that were quite hard to see, but did stop horses. Both are still in the files though so put a suggestion in the thread for them if you want. As for the snowy maps, you could look through the maps in the Scene editor or search for villages in the snowy parts of the Strategus map.
Doing multiple rotations that are changed every few weeks, so you get a batch of maps you haven't played for a while now and then, has been talked off, but without automated server restarts there is no point. The servers don't get restarted too often and without a restart the map rotation doesn't change. So it is one single rotation, a big one though with currently about 80 maps.
But also more open maps with natural cover. Not just totally flat, because no one likes cav rape, but also not these mountainous shitmaps where archers hide from cav on a vertical cliff and melee can only overhead because side swings get stuck. Something like the desert dunes map work well enough with a bit more cover like a few trees (not in the desert ofc) or rocks. And pleeeease get rid of the horrible horrible siege maps. Couple of times playing my cav character I've actually had to go to EU2 to play cav to even get out of the spawn...
This is mostly too vague, I need specific adjustments, not guidelines. Though I do intend to purge all the maps that are too indoors.
My computer sucks. Less flora and useless piles of war-torn junk pooped onto the battlefield.
It's an old game, apart from guidelines to keep the amount of trees low I think I can't help you.