Author Topic: Can I reasonably expect a change to the current EXP/Multiplier system?  (Read 5733 times)

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Lower upkeep for non-loomed items and lower upkeep in general for anything but the highest of difficulty gear (difficulty 16+ weapons and armor) would be a vast improvement for newer players. Not dying from being bumped by heavy cav is a nice experience and it brings you closer to being competitive with better equiped players. Add changes to the xp/gold system and you got yourself a stew goin'.

Offline Grumbs

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I think there is a place for the upkeep system and it does limit some things that you don't want to see over used to some extent. But i'd rather things that are too strong when stacked are simply balanced through the game design instead. Everything should be balanced by the players choosing different loadouts that they think opposes the gear that is over used. So you have too many of X and more people will take y for eg. Right now we don't really have that. We have high price tags that are supposed to limit them which works to some extent, but its again putting more power in the hands of people that played the game more. We don't have decent counters to certain builds and loadouts regardless of repairs. Repairs can be crippling for newbies too, who need to buy their own gear at the same time as repairing what they have

Gold could be more about the gameplay you get outside of the game, like trading for +3's. It can be used ingame for fun but it shouldn't ever be a big balancing factor. It not for a fair amount of things already. Weapons over a certain price are all generally as good as each other. Heavy armour, while offering more protection does have some limiting factor on other stats (well unless you're riding a horse)
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cRPG has a lot of inherent flaws that won't make it over to MBG. Upkeep being one of them.

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cRPG has a lot of inherent flaws that won't make it over to MBG. Upkeep being one of them.

Whaat? Why :( Upkeep is a pretty logical system which keeps players from stacking expensive stuff, why wouldn't it exist in the future plans? I would even be cool with item durability during rounds, it would be exciting to fight with broken spears or shield pieces, IMPLEMENT.

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Upkeep was okay until they added the marketplace, then looms/levels went even more out of control with the armory. I was a high level with only 1 loom until the armory came out, with the marketplace allowing me to buy looms myself. I'm hoping they find a great system that can be used with a healthy economy.

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Holding content hostage for grind is bad (unless you're an F2P). There are better ways.

I do think the current cRPG system is 'fine' for the most part, but nowhere near good.

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...Upkeep ... keeps players from stacking expensive stuff...

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Removing upkeep would be great. Then everyone can go gothic plate and ride an elephant. All the time........

Offline Grumbs

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Removing upkeep would be great. Then everyone can go gothic plate and ride an elephant. All the time........

Which wouldn't be a problem if the game were balanced better. The fact we need to punish people in terms of their gold suggests we don't really have good game balance
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Offline Joker86

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Removing upkeep would be great. Then everyone can go gothic plate and ride an elephant. All the time........

Yeah, because upkeep is totally the only system which allows a limitation of the overall value of the equipment wielded. At all.

"Remove upkeep" has always to be understood as "replace upkeep with something different". Since most people don't really know how that replacement would look like, and they only care about upkeep being gone, they write "remove upkeep".
Joker makes a very good point.
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What about...

Rewarding "skill"(score) this way:
You get a DTV style reward(not affected by generation) according to this formula at end of map:

Gold: Score multiplied by Start parenthesis 31 minus level end parenthesis=Score*(31-Level)
Experience: Score*20*(31-Level)

All negative values should be treated as 0(Lvl 32+ generates negative values)
(click to show/hide)

Side effects: low level friends farming points on each other, the main benefit being that low level characters(alts) becomes a good source of income instead of semi-naked lvl 31+ running about fake peasanting.

Do note that 100 pts as level 1 is worth 12 min of x5 multi.

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Yeah, because upkeep is totally the only system which allows a limitation of the overall value of the equipment wielded. At all.

"Remove upkeep" has always to be understood as "replace upkeep with something different". Since most people don't really know how that replacement would look like, and they only care about upkeep being gone, they write "remove upkeep".

"upkeep" could be altered to "rent fee" or "gear maintenance" or something. Gear Maintenance would only need to be paid at start of every map.

Before a battle, you prep your gear and make sure everything works as it should. There is some cost related to this, smith needs a coin for the armor repair or fletcher need a coin to make more arrows... and so forth.

Offline Joker86

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"upkeep" could be altered to "rent fee" or "gear maintenance" or something. Gear Maintenance would only need to be paid at start of every map.

Before a battle, you prep your gear and make sure everything works as it should. There is some cost related to this, smith needs a coin for the armor repair or fletcher need a coin to make more arrows... and so forth.

Actually the idea I had the moment the upkeep system was announced was to raise the level cap a bit and have a "wealth" skill. It's a skill without a governing attribute (like STR or AGI), which raises the worth of equipment you can wear. You get a basic equipment value which raises for every level a bit, but if you want to have more equipment, you have to spend points in that skill. So let's say on level 33 (the new soft level cap) without any skill point in that skill whatsoever you can run around with some cloth armour and a bastard sword, and that's it. But you will have amazing stats. On the other hand, if you spent 10 points in it, you can ride around on a plated charger with plate armour, but your stats will suck. Or you can spend like 5 points, have reasonable equipment and reasonable stats.

This system allows a much wider variety of builds, it allows weapons to finally be balanced properly by their value (which upkeep didn't allow, since it was not strict enough), you can keep your permanent equipment as long as you want, there is no RNG at the end of the round determining if you go broke or not, you don't have to downgrade equipment if you lost a few rounds in a row, clan members don't have better equip by default than random players who don't benefit from banner balance, you can't run around completely OP for a limited amount of time like you can with upkeep, owning a fief in strategus or trading a lot on the marketplace won't allow you to simply IGNORE the equipment restriction system any more, and utlimatively your equipment is not determined by the performance of the other people in your team. Only advantages, where ever you look. chadz said that my system would be "interesting" or something like that, but that they would probably stick with the upkeep system since it is what they implemented now and wouldn't want to create another system. If they only asked the community about the system change before starting to work upkeep and announcing it when it was already too late.
Joker makes a very good point.
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Simplicity® man  :P

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What I would like to see is something similar to the old xp system with a few minor tweaks to make it like the "new" one also.

Bring back xp/gold per kill, make it unlimited range, and shared with the team.

Gain a multi if you win, up to 3x, valour works as normal.

When you die, you only get xp/gold for another 30 seconds afterwards.

One addition I would LOVE to see added to this, is that the person who scores the killblow gets 3x xp for that person.