
Buff xp for 1st and 2nd gen until lvl 31 and buff generation system?(read details) Choose the one thing that you like/dislike the most.

Buff early generation xp gain until lvl 31.
3 (75%)
Buff Generation system.
0 (0%)
Don't change early gen xp rate.
0 (0%)
Don't change generation system.
0 (0%)
No, it's over the top. But it made me think on other things to buff rather than "xp only" for generation system
0 (0%)
Dammit Admerius... another brain fart...
1 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 4

Author Topic: 1st and 2nd gen mega buff and better character generation system  (Read 383 times)

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I couldn't sleep this night because of this thread:
I was sleepy when coming up with most of this, and I hammered the details out here:

This is an over the top suggestion to stir things up, it’s mostly there to point out other solutions then brute force “change xp rate for everyone to attract new players” solutions.

Here goes…

Reduce xp required to ding by 33%
(That's the same as buffing xp to 1492 per tick with unchanged xp requirement)
First gen MAIN gets triple xp until lvl 31, maybe x2 is enuff?
Second gen MAIN gets double xp until lvl 31, maybe x1.5 is enuff?
Then the grind begins at x1 xp rate

Other tweaks to make generation impact the gameplay much much more:
Reduce repair costs to 4% of current(minimum of 1 gold for EVERY item and make them apply 100% of the time. Going nude should cost 100 gold/round “repair”(medical bill)
Generation bonuses:
Decrease repair chance by:
This formula(excel format due to doing it at work):

Use the same formula for chance to keep multi when losing a round.
Hard cap at 50% might be necessary, but then a 1% to 3% xp boost per gen starting at 27(which is the gen that causes more than 50% repair reduce/keep multi chance)

(click to show/hide)

Heritage system:
+1 for each gen on main
+ half highest alts gen(rounded down)
+1 for every ten gens on an alt.

For all those old players that hasn't retired that many times: Maybe a decent gen boost is in place.
I hope that there is some sort of data on when your character(database entry) was created somewhere.

Did you read the first line in bold 14pt font?

Offline Admerius

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Re: 1st and 2nd gen mega buff and better character generation system
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2014, 07:39:42 pm »
Oh and every character that's lvl:           shouls get:
32                                                            +1gen
33                                                            +3gen
34                                                            +6gen
35                                                            +10 gen
36                                                            +15 gen
37?                                                           +21 gen
..if the heritage system is implemented

Or something like that...

Edit1: Voted to buff early gen xp rate to attarct new players. I want 90% full EU1 & EU2 at the same time!

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Re: 1st and 2nd gen mega buff and better character generation system
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2014, 07:42:39 pm »
Actually sounds pretty nice.

Gotta be tweaked a bit here and there but solid idea.
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Re: 1st and 2nd gen mega buff and better character generation system
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2014, 07:54:06 pm »
I'd make a new alt for every generation to take advantage of the über bonus. I'm not sure if they have a way of discriminating mains from alts.