since some ppl told me, that the last voice patch came out of the blue, i hereby show you the latest update BEFORE it's (maybe) implemented.
-569 brand new voice commands
-new, re-recorded male vox
-new, REAL female vox by my very best roommate-gurl
-new commands
-polished old commands
-whistle = whistle
-alternative soundfiles for each command (3/VC)
-more insults
-more screaming (but shorter)
-more seriousness, while trying to maintain the possibility of having funny moments
The old female commmands have not been recovered due to the following reasons:
-Bad quality
-Different Voice
-Some generic online-archive file
however, i tried to "transfer" the character of those into the new thing.
Behold - the FULL Preview. (I had to timestretch it to less than half the length - otherwise it would be like 17 minutes. But in order to buffer that, i've put a relaxed hip hop beat in the backround): part at 7:20 +)
If you don't like medieval spitting, try this FULL (but boring, 17 minutes) version: I hope you like the new female voices - and the old,