
Does Allers deserve to be permabanned for debatably leeching (not trying) because he has a history of bans?

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Author Topic: stand united with allers against bad admins  (Read 31743 times)

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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #330 on: July 08, 2014, 03:24:01 am »
Why should I be perm banned for an accused "leaching" (which I wasn't). Like I said before, ever since I was unbanned from my permaban of close to a year in January, I have caused no trouble to the community. This is my first ban ever since my unban in January, for an accused leaching which did not have sufficient evidence to support it. I made that alt and have stayed relatively quiet in chat while I was playing in the servers. I was never "trolling" chat which many of you claim that I'm just a troll who wants to make everything hard on other people.
As for the "self-incriminating confession of leaching" paragraph I wrote on the ban thread, where exactly does it say, " I was leaching" or "I wasn't attacking anybody"? Oh sorry, "I choose to die by them hitting me". Yeah that's a real definition of leaching, not wanting to block. At least half of the time I did try to block or semi block/spam, and other times I didn't block. Please tell me again how this is leaching? You guys heard it from other people that I was fightning, and we all know people who rush into battle and "choose not to block". So how does this make me a leacher? Because I was wearing cheap gear? Why do the admins choose little bits from what I write that will benefit their attempts at justifying my ban? I, as well as many others, have said that I was not leaching and was actually fighting, but with cheap gear. As you can see by the logs, I actually did manage to kill some people with my stick.
As for my "get unbanned agained and I'll start trolling or leaching again", I was never trolling and getting warned of a ban since I was last unbanned, so why would I start after? If anything, the least that would happen if I got unbanned was I'd continue to how I was ever since my last unban. The biggest trouble I ever got in since my unban, besides this incident, was getting disqualified from the NA Duel Tournament by accidentally miscalulating the cost of my total gear. Ever since my unban in January, I've done relatively little, if not no troublemaking at all, and I intend to keep it like that. I don't see why I am perm banned still for such a controversial ban that many others, including myself, think was unjust and based on relatively little and insignificant evidence.
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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #331 on: July 08, 2014, 03:28:46 am »
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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #332 on: July 08, 2014, 03:29:41 am »
TL:DR because you are ignorant
I bet you look at all these posts and -1 all of mine and not even read them as well as the other people defending me, which you claim are trolls for defending me.
You claim you know about this incident but you probably havent read a single thing and just post "Blabla Allers is a troll just keep banned I didnt even read a single thing" and also claim im crying about it because i'm defending myself. Never knew defending youreself meant you were crying about it
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 03:32:49 am by Allers »
Ca$hville 615

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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #333 on: July 08, 2014, 03:37:23 am »
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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #334 on: July 08, 2014, 03:39:36 am »
Sorry I forgot not trying as hard as I usually do means Im a troll and that ever since i was unbanned in January I have been behaving myself. Yeah you keep on believing that. Why don't you act your age and not troll a thread  when you weren't involved in it and just come in to say "Allers is a troll keep the permban"
Ca$hville 615

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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #335 on: July 08, 2014, 03:42:43 am »
WOW, since January? Amazing self-control Allers! You managed to not get permabanned over a few months, in a game you've played for years. What do you want, a medal? To be treated as if you hadn't gotten permabanned 9 times in your crpg history with innumerable regular bans in between? Both are stupid and unrealistic.
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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #336 on: July 08, 2014, 03:48:46 am »
WOW, since January? Amazing self-control Allers! You managed to not get permabanned over a few months, in a game you've played for years. What do you want, a medal? To be treated as if you hadn't gotten permabanned 9 times in your crpg history with innumerable regular bans in between? Both are stupid and unrealistic.

Reading Fail. He's actually been very good. Compared to many moons ago(the time you "remember" playing with him), allers has had maybe 2 bans? He got older and stopped fucking off.

Anyways, EU stay on EU. This doesn't concern you and you're a shit person to people on forums anyways Obyern.
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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #337 on: July 08, 2014, 03:57:14 am »
I wonder if Miley is nice enough to let Allers use his account when he is not using it.
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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #338 on: July 08, 2014, 04:01:42 am »
WOW, since January? Amazing self-control Allers! You managed to not get permabanned over a few months, in a game you've played for years. What do you want, a medal? To be treated as if you hadn't gotten permabanned 9 times in your crpg history with innumerable regular bans in between? Both are stupid and unrealistic.

"Good job on overcoming your troubled past and following server rules. You deserve the death penalty and should be banned for existing why did you ask me for a fucking high five?"*

*allers did not ask oberyn for a high five
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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #339 on: July 08, 2014, 04:11:34 am »
There are multiple reasons you are not allowed to suicide or leech. Players get upset that others are getting the same xp as them without playing. Even if this is a game that is all about grinding, it is unfair that others fight while your only goal is "get killed as fast as I can each round then ignore CRPG." If leeching/suicide was not against the rules, there could be enough leech/suicide players on the server that the team balance would be really fucked up. Players who actually want to play the game would have their experience ruined. With such a small population on NA 1, allowing people to do that would be a bad thing to do.

I think that even with his extensive ban history, even allers should not have been permabanned for this. He should have gotten a lengthly ban, much more than a first time offender. He knew what he was doing, but like others in this thread he probably thought that it was doing no harm and there wasn't any reason not to. I have explained above why this is not the case. I don't want leechers to ruin what is left of crpg, and I don't want to permaban anyone either. I would sooner give up adminship than permanently ban a player. You can quote this to canary I don't give a fuck.

Now downvote me and tell me that I am a rules-lawyer sperg who is obsessed with holding my vast admin powers over regular players. Take a shit down my throat because I enforce rules that make sense and prevent the game from turning into a festering hole of non-players grinding for xp by jumping off a bridge or running into a meatgrinder instead of fighting the enemy. Boo hoo admins touch each other's buttholes and laugh like hyenas as they punish innocent players who don't know any better and didn't break any rules. sperg admin crybaby witchcraft butthurt, unban allers. the days-long logs of him leeching are not enough evidence! give live video feed i am not a troll!!!!

My alt is has 4 PS / 76 WPF and only uses the stick as a backup weapon. I do better than that, and I am several tiers below allers in terms of skill.
wasn't there this thing that got put in called valour that works this out for us?
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Braeden - Clanless maybe? or Free Peasant not sure - Rarely plays, plus might be retarded
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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #340 on: July 08, 2014, 04:16:02 am »
"asking for a high five" = demanding benefit of the doubt as if you were an innocent newbie brand new to crpg and not a well known shit troll that's gotten perma'ed a retarded number of times. "Sure, I might have murdered 9 people in the past, but I was just jaywalking! THAT'S SO UNFAIR" is a more appropriate analogy.
And the times when there were still only one EU server I think Allers hadn't gotten permabanned once yet. A bunch of regular bans, sure, but no perma. Fairly sure those were all on NA servers.
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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #341 on: July 08, 2014, 04:16:34 am »
smoothrich, goretooth, Sandy and I all agree on something. God damn it! either unban the lad or look out for the apocalypse, because it is surely on the way.
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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #342 on: July 08, 2014, 04:18:11 am »
I do give zero shits about the circumstances of your ban.
"asking for a high five" = demanding benefit of the doubt as if you were an innocent newbie brand new to crpg and not a well known shit troll that's gotten perma'ed a retarded number of times. "Sure, I might have murdered 9 people in the past, but I was just jaywalking! THAT'S SO UNFAIR" is a more appropriate analogy.
And the times when there were still only one EU server I think Allers hadn't gotten permabanned once yet. A bunch of regular bans, sure, but no perma. Fairly sure those were all on NA servers.
keep posting about something you don't care about.  :rolleyes:
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Braeden - Clanless maybe? or Free Peasant not sure - Rarely plays, plus might be retarded
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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #343 on: July 08, 2014, 04:21:36 am »
keep posting about something you don't care about.  :rolleyes:

There were a few people adressing me directly and not writing autistic walls of text, I feel I had to anwser beyond the insults and taunting which is the only response shit trolls like Allers deserve.
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Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« Reply #344 on: July 08, 2014, 04:23:35 am »
There were a few people adressing me directly and not writing autistic walls of text, I feel I had to anwser beyond the insults and taunting which is the only response shit trolls like Allers deserve.
Yeah, okay.  :?:
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Braeden - Clanless maybe? or Free Peasant not sure - Rarely plays, plus might be retarded
Tydeus - Nord EU Scum - Hates adminning