Zlich, what country are/were you in anyways that made you fall back on internet escapism?
And Smooth, complete derail, but have you given up on the Something Shitty forums yet? Has the reign of bare-footed, ambien dazed, thai-boy loving Lowtax and his stable of neurotic, broken moderators driven you out? I have to say I occasionally checked in on the implosion of goons with great satisfaction. It just boggles my mind at how many people remain willing to pay money for the priviledge of posting on an increasingly irrelevant hugbox admined by some of the worst examples of humanity ever stirred up from the dredges of the internet. Then again it boggled my mind even when there was still a semblance of humour and community on the site. If there's anything the internet isn't short of it's porn and forums. Paying for either strikes me as incredibly stupid.