What Dwarf Fortress stuff do you use? Like tilesets and etc.
I've been meaning to give it another whack. Also if you haven't read Boatmurdered yet, it's a very good DF storytime.
Oh I read Boatmurdered numreous times, amazing story told in great way.
I use LazyNewbPack, it has it all in it - tilesets, fixes and mods for more efficient gameplay.
I used to use Phoebus tileset, but since support for it was dropped I started using Ironhand. Both are awesome, very easy to see through and just pleasant to the eye
In the LNP, I disable Aquifers because I have trauma related to them, everything else I leave at the default options. 120 pop cap etc. I also set an autosave on yearly, to avoid more trauma
Of course enable DFhack, also I use DwarfTheRapist for easier job management.
Recently Armok Vision was updated with more sprites and it also allows you to control the game throught the Armok Vision
So basically, DF is a HD 3D game now
It's a GLOBAL HEAD Ewok.