Only if you stupidly run out into the middle of a battlefield with nothing but a 2 handed weapon!
2 handed would probably win if he was aware. Why i think cav is op:
1. Bump is unblockable knockdown, rolls are barely usefull for countering this anymore.
2. Horses are fucking tanky, heavy cav very much so, light cav i often see surviving a lot. Now i know some cav players have the experience of horses dying in one arrow or some shit like that, i played cav and it didnt happen more than once, i am the fastest on the field, i wont get shot easily. A stopped horse very often gets away, more so if the rider has a shield. Sometimes even hitting legs is impossible past the shield.
3. Fastest and highest damage, the class is just made to be basically the strongest class, i dont mind it currently, i just dont want any buffs. Seriously, getting couch lanced in spawn is fucking horrid, getting couched anywhere is just rage inducing. I can do 360's with my camera constantly, and still miss cav, awareness is possible to get, but when you cant ever fight infantry because you will get couched instantly, it gets tedious.
4. Speed bonus vs horses/riders just aint the same as it is to infantry. I dont think ive ever onehit a rider, or his horse at full speed, i have gotten onehit plently of times though, even in the strengthiest of armor crutches.
Dont buff cav, fuck cav, buff rolls.