Anyone playing on Nostraliuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus?
@Umbra, whats ur in-game nick? :>
Playing on Alliance now with gnjus and cropunk, my nick is Presbitery. Alts: maldevious, amodren.
Gnjus is roleplaying a lecherous drunkard, drinking rum all the time and doing /sexy on NE females. We also make it a habit to /spit on almost every gnome we encounter.
We are lvl 30ish now just playing slowly experiencing all the dungeons and questing together whenever we can, so, you wont have much trouble catching up if you grind your way solo.
We are currently a team of: Paladin tank, Priest, Mage. So if you, or anyone else wants to roll with us please roll a dps
Id like to have a dedicated 5man team for dung/pvp.