ohhh no.. i didn't get the memo. All i saw was that people couldn't connect, i had no idea that the server was hacked. Not to jinx things, but if this is true, its probably going to end up bad when the servers are back up and running. Hopefully they backed up our character data on a different source. But even so, our accounts would have most likely been compromised, so it still might be a loss for us, unless they can somehow link our character info to new account. I do recall this happening with sony a few years back and we lost stuff on the ps3 and had to start over with new accounts, so it might be same deal here.
Well, i'm disappointed, but i sucked at this game, so if there is a loss i wouldn't have lost too much.. i had no heirlooms. nobody over level 25.lol. But i do feel bad for the more dedicated players.. its gotta be very frustrating for them, and i'm sure they are very anxious.