The Awlpike Horror
A film.
Plot Summary:
In the town of cRPGsville, a Masterwork Awlpike enjoys a meteoric rise in success and popularity, but is disgraced when he receives minor nerfs. Outraged, the internet-townsfolk drag the Awlpike kicking and screaming to the old stone bridge, and throw him in the river. As time passes, the Awlpike is forgotten along with his prophetic last words: "I'm still pretty damn good."
Months later, cRPGsville is plagued by an inexplicable rash of murders, all perpetrated with short, fast, stabbing weapons. Now, it's up to the skeptical police investigator, Angantyr, to determine whether these killings are the result of a deranged serial killer, or perhaps the vengeful consequence of the ghostly Awlpike's return.