Author Topic: An Overall look at Admin's  (Read 6078 times)

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An Overall look at Admin's
« on: May 19, 2011, 02:34:46 am »
Hi guy's ive been playing CRPG for sometime but ive never posted,

When i first started playing CRPG "V0.9 something" there wasn't many admins around , maps were changed regularly and wasn't much server crashing or restarting, but now in the past 3-4 months allot of people i come across are admins some deserve to be admins and make correct decisions, however ive been in to many games were the admin has decided that he's tired of DTV so he's gunna switch the server to battle or he doesn't like this map so he's switching, or a person swears at him so he permanently bans them "which in a fair case shud be , warn, kick ,ban" not ban straight away , it seems to be like there is no guide line for admins or some admins are far to immature to be an admin, adding to the admin map changing heres an example of what went on not long ago , an admin switched DTV map "no harm done tho a notice would be nice" then he switched again within 5 min's, then again.... then he couldn't get the map back to the original one so he left, not only did he leave it on a crappy messed up map after switching maps over 20 times in the past 10 min's but the people that were on it kept getting repair charges every time he ended a round, now people would say "well don't join then , duh!" but the admin shud have let the people know what he is about to do put a password on the server messed around with it then reopened it when he had finished, saving allot of people going WTF is going on!!, my second rant is at the maps alot of maps "especially DTV have places that can be exploited IE a roof the AI cant reach, now allot of people get kicked and even more get banned for using these, now i dont think the player is at fault here , if there's a a glitch in a map a player is bound to use it, simple solution - don't upload map's that have exploits on them- check the maps first before making them public it is not hard to do. one more thing i would like to add is notices, its nice to let the players no what is going on be it map changes, serve restarts or game change. but the main thing i would like to see is a bit more discipline with some admins especially with the kicking and banning , IE a good way should be - Warn , kick , ban , perm ban. regards Grace

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Re: An Overall look at Admin's
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2011, 03:03:33 am »
 :shock: I have the opposite problem: I asked a lot of time to be permanently banned (you can see my ban thread), but they don't do it.

About actions like changing the mapwhen they want it, it's quite rare, they usually ask to type 1/2 or y/n and act accordingly, however that would not be a big issue for me.

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Re: An Overall look at Admin's
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2011, 04:13:38 am »
You're paragraph is massive. Attention span... too.. short, I'm sorry.
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Re: An Overall look at Admin's
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2011, 04:27:55 am »
my second rant is at the maps alot of maps "especially DTV have places that can be exploited IE a roof the AI cant reach, now allot of people get kicked and even more get banned for using these, now i dont think the player is at fault here , if there's a a glitch in a map a player is bound to use it, simple solution - don't upload map's that have exploits on them- check the maps first before making them public it is not hard to do.

No..... just no... there will always be bugs and glitches that slip through the testing period, and to say that the players arent at fault when they willingly abuse that bug for personal gain is ridiculous.

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Re: An Overall look at Admin's
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2011, 07:51:44 am »
What server are you talking about? On the NA servers I've played on most of the admin only use their powers as a last resort. Hell Farmer_nate gets to rant about how everyone is hacking or DOSing him without being muted.

my second rant is at the maps alot of maps "especially DTV have places that can be exploited IE a roof the AI cant reach, now allot of people get kicked and even more get banned for using these, now i dont think the player is at fault here , if there's a a glitch in a map a player is bound to use it, simple solution - don't upload map's that have exploits on them- check the maps first before making them public it is not hard to do.

This is just ridiculous, most of the time when something like this is exploited, they are usually points nobody would be in a practical situation. The only person who can and should be held responsible is the player, using something they know to be wrong in the first place. In the recent case of the China server the whole server was shutdown for a group exploiting fairly openly.

If you have a problem with the admin of a server "abusing" their power, either leave, or take pictures.

Deal with it.

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Re: An Overall look at Admin's
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2011, 07:55:06 am »
If you abuse glitches  on maps you are breaking the rules (common sense rule) and deserve to be kicked.
I dont know if you know it but CRPG is beta and also new maps are tested on the servers.

=> common sense => report the glitch => dont use it
=> reason for kick => find the glitch => abuse it.

In addition: Admins are doing fine atm.

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Re: An Overall look at Admin's
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2011, 09:33:35 am »
This thread suffers from the usual problem with admin discussion threads: I have no idea which servers you are talking about.

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Re: An Overall look at Admin's
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2011, 12:42:45 pm »
EU servers here mostly (#2 in specific, as I play there the most, but I also get around the Americans when playing with my Clan)

Admins like to play, instead of spectate the game or pay special attention to the chat. This is probably normal, but really shouldn't we pick players who can at least partly pay attention to both or know there responsibility?

Very often we have situations where:

>1: Hey, stop destroying all our ladders, they are like 3 slots! What the hell man, you killed 2 people!
>2: QQ more bitch
>2 has killed 1 (intentional teamkill)
>2: Sorry
>Poll vs 2
>Admin stops poll, kicks 1 "Stop rage polling he apologized"

True story, repeats itself in other forms just about daily, every decent griefer knows to say sorry after anything and the admins will never do something about it.

Or me, currently: Banned on EU for... running in straight lines and/or being low level/freshly retired.

In my opinion, there is no real reason for the admins to perform well, after all none watches them and the remove threads or so in that section are a joke that will never, ever have any effect.

So what to do? Add guidelines, like:

>Before you ban someone, do at least 2 of the following:

Ask him/warn him/use the anti leech feature/watch for more then 10 seconds/Ask other players/Check the Chat log/Check scores

That really would help a lot, right now it is just "Something happens - Instinct reaction, just get rid of it so I can keep playing"

Please investigate.

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Re: An Overall look at Admin's
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2011, 12:57:09 pm »
I really like to see you guys how you will perform as admin.
Admin do it for free, they are players like us who for the interest of others spend a lot of their time to deal with griefers, exploiters and retards...

When you must repeat the same things 10 times in a game session, you don't warn retards, you just kick or ban them.
The warning is in the server rules, if you don't respect this rules you deserve what you got.

In no way i would like to be admin, when i play, i play for fun, not for dealing with retards that are never happy and lie for their own interest.i don't even talk of endless thread on the forumn where admin have to justify banning griefers...

Tbh, i play cRPG since july 2010 and i never had any problem with an admin. If an admin talk to you, it's that you do something wrong.

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Re: An Overall look at Admin's
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2011, 01:21:44 pm »
This cant be the offical EU servers, so I guess you must be playing on some of the new clan servers. What your describing is worrying, so if you could spesify which server were talking about, we could take a look.
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Re: An Overall look at Admin's
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2011, 01:32:33 pm »
When you must repeat the same things 10 times in a game session, you don't warn retards, you just kick or ban them.

This is a very poor choice, though, as things can appear one way, but be the other... Say you are on a map you never played before, you just run towards where you think the enemy is, then hit a wall and go "Oh, change direction... can earn you a perma? ban:

I banned 1 person for afk-running into the map-edge. First I thought it was a simply DC, then a simple AFK run holding a button, but when the char started changing directions while running into map edge.. Looked like more sophisticated leeching.

I thought cynical leecher, and hence the ban.

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Re: An Overall look at Admin's
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2011, 01:33:02 pm »
This thread suffers from the usual problem with admin discussion threads: I have no idea which servers you are talking about.
He's talking about EU6 and I was the person permanently banned.

I was playing with a not terribly serious alt character called HotChickWithASword. I'd reached the stage where it was starting to take a long time to grind out levels. I wanted to see if she'd be a feasible character with a few more levels - feasible as in "Won't finish 0:7 every map" at least. irc://nuffen came into the server and announced he'd be re-starting it to test a new map as we were fighting the vikings, I think. I said couldn't he wait a few minutes until the Vitez guys came and killed us all as they always did so we wouldn't lose our multipliers (x4 in my case) irc://nuffen restarted the server immediately and we all lost our multipliers. The new map was broken. He couldn't switch it back to a proper map. There were, as the OP said, several rounds of the map switching backwards and forwards between maps, each time knocking everyone back to x1, including several tin cans who must have lost quite a lot of money in the process. Eventually there were only 3 of us left and I left too until it was sorted out.

After a while I came back and it seemed things were back to normal in Forest Hideout. The "Exploit" tactic mentioned was actually just fighting from a low roof against peasants and bandits. It wouldn't even have worked against higher tier bots.

Anyway, in comes some little Napoleon of an admin I'd never seen before (can't remember his name except he was a Merc) and orders everyone to stop exploiting, kicking me when I went onto a roof and once again losing me a mutliplier. It was now quite late at night.

I was very cross.

"Fuck you and the horse you rode in on"
I said in the chat while dead, going into a rant about everything that had happened "and now suddenly you want to play strictly by the rules?" I shouldn't have said that, my bad. It wasn't Merc_Little_Napoleon's fault about the servers after all. I wasn't going to post at all on this subject, but this is to explain what actually happened. Frankly, I'm not having much fun playing the game at the moment anyway so what happens about this ban doesn't matter to me much. Admins shouldn't be assigned to server management if they don't know how to do it. There's no point trying to strictly regulate DTV maps because honestly they're just for hardcore grinding anway - it's not fun standing for half an hour at the top of some stairs with a Great Maul readied. DTV is an exploit to begin with for those of us who can stand the monotony of it all. So in conclusion, "Meh."
The word is "anyway" not "anyways". You are not Gabby Hayes.
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Re: An Overall look at Admin's
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2011, 01:40:20 pm »
Elmetiacos: The situation you describe is very different from what grace describes. As you admit yourself, I did warn you before restarting the server.

Also, this whole thread is about me testing out new DTV maps? Stopping that means we will end up only having two maps FOREVER. Do any of you wanna be stuck with only 2 DTV maps? really?
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Re: An Overall look at Admin's
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2011, 01:42:29 pm »
Power never takes a back step - only in the face of more power.
-Malcolm X

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Re: An Overall look at Admin's
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2011, 01:47:09 pm »
[..]irc://nuffen came into the server and announced he'd be re-starting it to test a new map as we were fighting the vikings, I think. I said couldn't he wait a few minutes until the Vitez guys came and killed us all as they always did so we wouldn't lose our multipliers (x4 in my case) irc://nuffen restarted the server immediately and we all lost our multipliers. The new map was broken. He couldn't switch it back to a proper map. There were, as the OP said, several rounds of the map switching backwards and forwards between maps, each time knocking everyone back to x1, including several tin cans who must have lost quite a lot of money in the process. Eventually there were only 3 of us left and I left too until it was sorted out.


Admins shouldn't be assigned to server management if they don't know how to do it.

We have no resources to thoroughly educate admins before unleashing them to the wild. They learn by doing, and if no knowledgeable admin is available to consult them sometimes things go wrong. As for the "wait until something", that just won't do. It's an endless cycle of "waiting just a bit" and nothing gets done.

Anyway, in comes some little Napoleon of an admin I'd never seen before (can't remember his name except he was a Merc)

Calling the admin Merc_Little_Napoleon isn't very constructive style, if you have a complaint to make then make it with an actual name - otherwise it's worthless. This just makes you appear like a standard ragey kid who got banned for resisting admin decisions even if you had some actual point in your complaint.

There's no point trying to strictly regulate DTV maps because honestly they're just for hardcore grinding anway - it's not fun standing for half an hour at the top of some stairs with a Great Maul readied. DTV is an exploit to begin with for those of us who can stand the monotony of it all. So in conclusion, "Meh."

That is a valid point. I personally don't enjoy playing DTV at all. Way to discuss the rules is not on a server though - when playing, admin follows the established rules. If you have constructive ideas about how to make rules more sensible/better/easier to understand, make a thread for that. Criticism and improvement ideas are always welcomed as long as they have some actual point behind them.