must say im really in love with this one. i cant explain what it is. back in the day i use to play wolfenstein: enemy territory ALOT and the feel and i dunno the atmosphere in H&G just reminds me of wolf:et. also when running around on the bigger maps, im getting the dayz feeling, oddly enough.
i think its really cool that players is the ones generating the maps sort of speak. when you play generals, you buy some assault teams using the warfunds you earn when playing hero. you use the teams to attack enemy positions on the map (precise map of north/west europe with UK, denmark and germany with all the real town and city names) and when you as general attack a location, the troops and armor and amount of same (tickets) you used will be available for the hero-players.
i saved up for a long time to buy my very first assault team (guard) then i deployed it and a couple hours later they were dead :p back to scrath, i will consider my moves abit more next time heh :p