1 time i drove up 2 mertle beech w/ my butties an we stayed @ dis hotel wit a big a$$ windoe facin da bordwalk an like lol my dumass ffrend kept moonin ppl walkin by im like dude stop pls but he did it again an my butties were laffin cuz they were drunk but i wusnt so i was pist kinda so l8r we 8 pizza an then we went down 2 tha beech rly rly l8 @ nite an shot of a shit lode of firewerks an shot roamin candels @ each other an we saw blue lites cumin r way an we fukin ran but my frend lost his hat wile we were runnin he nvr got tha hat back i hope police dont run his hat 4 TNA cuz then they will hunt him down an arest him an he will freakin spill his guts an rat us out i no it i no he wud but anyway we had fun an we walk past sum guy gettin a hamjob beside a buildin it wus dark so we jus yelt ooooooooooo an scoreeeeee an den we left cuz like i sed it was dark u nvr no wut cud happen in mertle like they say wut happens in mertle is crazy but ya we had a gud time 1 time we went there an dint no it wus black biker week damit lol im not rasist but we dint have a gud time but evry other time i been it wus a gud time id say prolly so