
What attack controls do you use

71 (62.8%)
28 (24.8%)
4 (3.5%)
normal and inverted
5 (4.4%)
5 (4.4%)

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Author Topic: Inverted attacks vs attack with mouse direction m... NOW WITH POLL!!!!  (Read 2819 times)

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Offline Rebelyell

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How do you feel about them, do you think that there is some kind of balance in between that options?

I tested inverted attacks a bit on eu 3 and I have to say that my muscle memory do not let me do do anything proper with it and It will teake some good time for me to get use to it.
After all I can say that inverted atacks are superior in spam and because of straight movement to target there is almost no signals that help your oponent to read your actions.
On the hand I feel like that attacks hit really early in animation soo damage may be lower especially with slow weapons but that situation changes with fast weapons.

....and about movement key atack directions, I know famous players that actually are using it nut.... yeaha

So what do you think about them.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 04:49:08 pm by Rebelyell »
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Movement keys all the way!
Fammi un pompino!

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Tried it for a while, ended up glancing way more often with inverted mouse directions because, as you said, I would often hit too early in the animation. Really great for crap like using a morningstar in a Strategus clusterfuck though, you can run around spamming left clicks like you are playing Diablo and rack up kills.

Its good but even after trying it for a few months (practiced on Siege against bads for the first week or two to get used to it, I recommend doing this) I am personally more precise with timing and swings using normal attack directions. Probably from the years of experience, though.
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(i am aiming no one here)
But i will never understand the guys who want to change for non inverted / inverted / keyboard, just in order to kill more/ looking for being "op"
These options are made for players who has different spatial brain logic.

If i take my example, when i installed the demo at the very begining, its the first thing i changed with the graphical options....
Why ? for more kills ? (against the bots in the demo?!)
Juste because my brain couldn't handle the standard attacks.

For these who says that inverted is easier, i would awnser :
It's different. And a good fighter must be able to block attacks from every play-style.
If you have difficulties to block keyboard or inverted, just train it, trust me it's just about training.
As Rebelyell said, i know as well good fighters with non inverted, inverted and keyboard style.

Train & adapt.


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IMO it's a way for people to gain an advantage.  It doesn't really matter.  Good players are good players.  But I think some people want the easy route to win.  Some people build super agi S-Key spammers then bitch and whine about ranged.  Some people tank in heavy armor and spam like they have mad cow disease.  They of course whine about agi builds.  And if you want a real edge on Na3 you can switch around your swing animations so you can pass off dumb luck for skill. 
« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 02:25:19 pm by UnholyRolyPoly »

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I imagine if you used keys, that you'd have more accurate blocking than with a mouse, but fuck keys (I ain't no bitch).

I personally use the standard mouse movement for fighting, just because I have for years. I know a few people active in NW who use inverted movement for the bayonet's up and down attacks, but that's about it.


Edit: I'm not editing anything else, I've had two hours of sleep. Sorry if I'm not making sense.
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Playing with keyboard since 2010 or cant remember when i start single player of the game.

I am using keyboard for changing Attack directions and  block directions so the only thing i hit mouse is hit and block.

So instead of mouse players i have unlimited feints especially hold attacks.

I have any special hold attack feints and i tried to teach my retards bashis or seljuks noone accomplished with mouse ; also tried on several experienced players , they failed too.

Its not really hardest thing actually , i cant understand how can you guys use mouse for block and attack meanwhile have a battle awareness.

Offline Rebelyell

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Playing with keyboard since 2010 or cant remember when i start single player of the game.

I am using keyboard for changing Attack directions and  block directions so the only thing i hit mouse is hit and block.

So instead of mouse players i have unlimited feints especially hold attacks.

I have any special hold attack feints and i tried to teach my retards bashis or seljuks noone accomplished with mouse ; also tried on several experienced players , they failed too.

Its not really hardest thing actually , i cant understand how can you guys use mouse for block and attack meanwhile have a battle awareness.
maybe because we don't want run in to oblivion tring block atack coming from that direction?
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Offline Teeth

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Implying that there is a natural preference for something artificial like selecting attacks in a video-game, which I hardly find a feasible thought. When I started playing this game the entire concept of selecting attacks with your camera movement was new to me, so I learned it the way the game was set by default, developing muscle memory until you don't have to think about it. Similarly I could retrain my muscle memory and switch to inverted. I have no doubt that if Mount&Blade was inverted by default I would have learned that first. If you did have the instant urge to look in the options for a different selection setting, it is probably because you had some experience with some type of video game action that had trained you in inverted beforehand.

I switched to inverted because normal is the norm which means using inverted throws people off, you can do some pretty weird feints and tricks. An advantage of inverted is having more natural attack movements, you normally want to move your camera with your attack, which inverted allows you to do in one smooth sweep. Another is that when playing with stab focused polearms like an awlpike doing up-down stabs is easier, because selecting the stab is down by looking up in the first place. A disadvantage is more unnatural chambering. With normal attack selection chambering is basically blocking but with timing and clicking the other mouse button. With inverse attack selection you have to look away from the swing you are trying to chamber. I am still fairly proficient at chambering, but can't help but wonder at times that I would have been better at doing reflex chambers with normal attack selection.

Using your keyboard for attack or block selection sounds retarded to me. I really don't see how having your weapon movement influence your footwork and vice versa can work out well.

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Playing with keyboard since 2010 or cant remember when i start single player of the game.

I am using keyboard for changing Attack directions and  block directions so the only thing i hit mouse is hit and block.

So instead of mouse players i have unlimited feints especially hold attacks.

I have any special hold attack feints and i tried to teach my retards bashis or seljuks noone accomplished with mouse ; also tried on several experienced players , they failed too.

Its not really hardest thing actually , i cant understand how can you guys use mouse for block and attack meanwhile have a battle awareness.
How on earth is it difficult to just hold an attack? lol. Anyway i think inverted and normal attack directions is basicly equally balanced, it just comes down to which one you have had previous experience with in other games, as Teeth mentioned. I did not really have much experience with games like this, so i just learned the default, but i could easyli have learned inverted aswell.

I do feel that using your keyboard for attack directions seems a little...... inefficient.
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I switched to inverted because normal is the norm which means using inverted throws people off, you can do some pretty weird feints and tricks. An advantage of inverted is having more natural attack movements, you normally want to move your camera with your attack, which inverted allows you to do in one smooth sweep. Another is that when playing with stab focused polearms like an awlpike doing up-down stabs is easier, because selecting the stab is down by looking up in the first place. A disadvantage is more unnatural chambering. With normal attack selection chambering is basically blocking but with timing and clicking the other mouse button. With inverse attack selection you have to look away from the swing you are trying to chamber. I am still fairly proficient at chambering, but can't help but wonder at times that I would have been better at doing reflex chambers with normal attack selection.
I often switch between normal and inverted for the reasons listed here. If you're a perceptive fighter, you can tell when you're fighting someone who is using inverted mouse attacks, and you know it definitely changes things. Unfortunately, I love me some chambers, so I often get fed up with inverted attacks, and switch back to normal so I can execute them with ease. Of course, chambers just aren't worth doing in most situations due to how risky they tend to be against skilled players as well as how easy they are to block. Nonetheless, I still get satisfaction out of doing them, and in particular, hitting someone not expecting the good old chamber hold.
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I use autoblock so I never die I might have to try inverted some time.
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Using your keyboard for attack or block selection sounds retarded to me. I really don't see how having your weapon movement influence your footwork and vice versa can work out well.
Actually its better ; you are totally free to use your footwork.Its only a milisecond to change attack/block directions you don't have to move to left side for 10 seconds to change direction.

How on earth is it difficult to just hold an attack? lol
I can hold my attack and meanwhile use mouse to move it ; for example showing from left side hold attack and move with mouse to right side.

maybe because we don't want run in to oblivion tring block atack coming from that direction?
what ?

Offline darmaster

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one word for inverted attacks

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Offline Rebelyell

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Actually its better ; you are totally free to use your footwork.Its only a milisecond to change attack/block directions you don't have to move to left side for 10 seconds to change direction.
I can hold my attack and meanwhile use mouse to move it ; for example showing from left side hold attack and move with mouse to right side.
what ?
I just feel like even millisecond of bad footwork may cost me life in some fights
still i have to test it out before commenting it.
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