Anyone knows the juicy details?
He got kicked out from the uni, and decided to fight commies in North Korea instead. His flight was a week away, so Panos committed the spare time to train his headbutting skills, and got a minor concussion after breaking 3 coconuts in a row ( the third one was actually a brown bowling ball, so it took him a while ). Had to cancel the flight, but he didn't get a refund - so he went on a raging headbutting spree in the Lufthanzas headquarters, even though he had an Air Greece ticket.
Security called the police, but Panos lifted the Lufthanza's CEO above his head, and said that he will break the mfcker in half, if they try to arrest him. So they had to call a SWAT team, but when they threw the smoke nades, Panos snapped the CEO like a twig, head-rammed their armored van and escaped. CIA got involved, and they closed all his accounts, including cRPG's.
Now i don't have all the details, just something i picked up from newspaper headlines...