Silent weapon draw: Yes, implement this for daggers now plz (awesome suggestion)
Breaking other weps: No, that would be extremely broken (no pun intended), imagine facing one in a duel O.o
Disarm: Maybe..., say each time you chamber there would be a chance of disarming? (Weapon drops to the ground)
Stun: No, we already have that, and a longer stun would just be broken (stunlock)
My suggestions:
Couchable (pikes): Remove the regular thrust from pikes and replace it with a (stationary!) "couch", similar to lances (also make them longer). This would allow the pike to remain effective vs. cav and in defensive situations (inf charging would take a hit, but not if they move slowly), while removing the very offensive piking that we see today ("nonexisting" friendly hitboxes makes it kind of op)
Ineffective against armor: Add/redo some weapons with this tag; high base damage, but affected more (twice as much?) by armor (including shield armor)
"Stuck": If a weapons with this tag connects, (thrust only!) it has a chance to stick in the opponent (spears/javelins come to mind), or his shield. If stuck in an opponent, they are slowed down significantly. If stuck in a shield, the shield becomes very slow to raise/lower (useless in melee other than for turtling, but still good against ranged).
Comments please?