So, I have never understood wy conquest is set in a siege setting, one team is defense and the other attacks. I just dont really think it works imo, it would be OK with smaller maps.
Now my idea for conquest is a little different, it does not feature an attacking or defending team, only by name is one team the attacking and one team the defending team.
Allright, bare with my bad english because this is gonna get confusing.
The gamemode will feature the flag system conquest sports atm, but not only the "attackers" will be going for the cap. The flags will still be devided up into groups as it is now(you need to cap A and B in order to progress to C).
Both teams will need to cap in order to get to the enemys last flag. The flags will be devided over the map like this:
1 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 1
The first batch that will need to be capped are the three in the middle(could be two), whereafter the capping team can push forward to the next two flags.
But the idea is to create a sort of battlefield, where the players will try to push out and defend their own flags at the same time.
This will create the necessity for people to devide the team up into defenders and attackers, not the current blatant bottlenecks we face each day atm.
With this flag system it would also be possible to grant +1 multiplier for each batch of flags captured and -1 multiplier for each batch of flags lost as teams can cap back their lost flags. The game would be fár more dynamic and alive. With frontlines shifting back and forth. You could even reward the team with .25x multi per individual flag captured!
The maps would need to be custom made though, with a wide middle and creating bottlenecks thec closer you get to the last flags.
Though this would hardly be siege anymore it would still feature the respawning shortly afterr death that siege has, because lets face it, that is wy we play siege. It will be more of a Team Deatmatch/Capture the Flag(s) kind of gamemode.
PS: yes, this might result in a stalemate wher none of the teams capture the opponents flaf, but thats the great stuff with this version of the gamemode. You DONT HAVE TO ACTUALLY win to be rewarded! The game could shift between flags 2 - 3 - 2 and youll still get rewarded for it! No endless x1's!