Author Topic: With this miracle, It's time to announce you that I am the Messiah.  (Read 5365 times)

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Is that all?

Seems like you've ran out of options.
Well what about recm ?

Offline Christo

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Lol Christo, we got a brainwashed proud follower of Jesus Christ here.


What do you base this on? Please quote me where I said that I am a proud follower of jesus christ.

Or you think becaue of the nickname? Are you really that easy to deceive?
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Well ofcourse ; i m not religious guy i dont fuckin care but i cant understand people like you.

You got support from GTX do i really need to start pointing out how fucked up is that argument u are having ?
When did i support him? I literally did not understand you. I might do things that you guys dont like in game, but i really don't see why it is so bad to have my support. I supose that is what you do, when you do not have any arguments, you start to insult everything around you.

PS: Now im definitely not on your side, when you suddenly start to insult me. I was never a part of this discussion, until now.
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Offline Cicero

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When did i support him? I literally did not understand you. I might do things that you guys dont like in game, but i really don't see why it is so bad to have my support. I supose that is what you do, when you do not have any arguments, you start to insult everything around you.

PS: Now im definitely not on your side, when you suddenly start to insult me. I was never a part of this discussion, until now.
When did i insult you ?

You gave him "+" thats why

Offline Tibe

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How can you submit to a religion that stones people to death even to this day, and sentences people for years because of nonsense?

In 2014? Just look at Saudi Arabia.

Its not like christianity is any better. Its just that we dont let it get its hands on politics as easly as arabs let islam. So they kinda take it easy with all the violence and all. Im quite sure if the majority of the West let hardcore christians govern their countries we would be burning people at stakes again and eradicating heretics in no time.

Offline HarunYahya

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What do you base this on? Please quote me where I said that I am a proud follower of jesus christ.

Or you think becaue of the nickname? Are you really that easy to deceive?
I base this on your constant shit throwing at Islam, and no other beliefs. I don't judge people's nicknames and never connected chris,christo or such names to directly christianity... This "please quote me where i said it" defence mechanism...
Human is a thinking being,all your actions,posts and shit are used in my brain to define you. I don't need exact quotes ... Since you are a complete stranger to me, i define you by your posts and after elevations in my head, surprise you seem like a fanatic crusader bigot.
Not saying YOU %100 ARE a bigot but as far as i can see from these antiislamist propoganda you started... yeah you SEEM like that.

@Vibe FUCK YES SECULARISM ! It's being taken away piece by piece from Turkey by our fucktard mujahideen government these days -_-'

Offline Christo

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Funny because I was in a church twice in my lifetime ( if you don't count visiting them in a trip, and not an actual religous something goin on there)
, both occasions against my will. So I can hardly be a crusader  :P

This nick is often interpreted as something like that though, some even find it offensive. All the better!

Anyway just because I'm not saying the obvious politically correct "all religion is equally bad each has fanatics" whatever cliche we are talking about, that doesn't mean I don't criticize the other side. In this country christianity is a lot more popular than islam, and I go against it.

Perfect example:

Whenever I get the oppurtunity I bash this. Unnecessary, complete waste of time and does more harm than good.
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Arguing about which God and religion is better is completely stupid. It's like asking whether your pet rock or my pet rock is better.  They all have some good and corrupt people on each side, and sometimes doing the wrong thing, like calling the Crusades.  So stop arguing over religion.  I'm pretty sure your Gods doesn't like you yelling at other people about their beliefs.
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"The long united must divide; the long divided must unite."
"How many things, before and after, all melt into gossip and laughter."

Offline Sable Keech

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Cool video though.
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Offline Falka

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islamist scum

Islam is the religion that should be banned and destroyed. Causes too much trouble, keeps people stupid, controls governments with sharia law and harbors dangerous ideas, which are on the level of the middle ages mindset in the 21st century. Religion of peace huh  :P

While I fully agree with you, I don't think christianity in its core is much better. Sure, christianism evolved in the past centuries a lot and "we" don't burn witches any more, but that doesn't mean christianity is superior, it's just less retarded - the best what I could say about it.

Anyway just because I'm not saying the obvious politically correct "all religion is equally bad each has fanatics" 

as a belief system I really don't see how bible is better than Koran (though my knowledge about the subject is heavily restricted), just followers of islam in big part have medieval mind sets and still like to stone to death infidels while we don't enjoy crusades any more. For the most part at least.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2014, 10:19:38 pm by Falka »
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Offline HarunYahya

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still like to stone to death infidels while we don't enjoy crusades any more. For the most part at least.
This is so wrong in many points.
Comparing stoning which is punishment who rejected religious law with crusades ? Christians even have Papacy to enforce religious laws and shit.
Crusades still happen, it was about wealth back in medieval era , same shit happening now.

You guys are so biased which amazes me... Both Jihad and Crusades still happen, those who give the order are still enjoying it, those who die in battlefield still honored as "martyrs" all religions have fanatic dickheads you know Muslims because it's been thought to you for centuries that muslims are evil. Fucking arabs still live in medieval because fucking christians still invade their lands and not giving them a chance to rebuild a civilization (Although i don't believe that Arabs are capable of building one but they atleast deserve a chance.)

Great now we turned this funny thread into a retarded religion debate show.

There shan't be a retarded religion debate show without a cocain addict nymphomaniac hodja (HarunYahya, yes this guy actually exists.) who claims he has signs of messiah on himself.

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And the horse in studio...


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Religion will die in the relative future anyway, as the population gets more and more educated. Let it die in peace, best think to do is not to care. Also, you achieve nothing arguing about these things because peoples stances on these kind of topics are firmly rooted and they will never be objective.
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Offline Cicero

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Funny because I was in a church twice in my lifetime ( if you don't count visiting them in a trip, and not an actual religous something goin on there)
, both occasions against my will. So I can hardly be a crusader  :P

This nick is often interpreted as something like that though, some even find it offensive. All the better!

Anyway just because I'm not saying the obvious politically correct "all religion is equally bad each has fanatics" whatever cliche we are talking about, that doesn't mean I don't criticize the other side. In this country christianity is a lot more popular than islam, and I go against it.

Perfect example:

Whenever I get the oppurtunity I bash this. Unnecessary, complete waste of time and does more harm than good.
Playing as a jihadist , islamist rp is not meaning that we are same in real life :)

I personally hate all religious shit but i hate all religious haters too.Just stay normal

Offline Falka

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Comparing stoning which is punishment who rejected religious law with crusades ? Christians even have Papacy to enforce religious laws and shit.

Don't compare anything, just point out that in western world people don't do stuff like stoning, honor killings, etc. cause of religion, tradition or whatever it is.

Christians even have Papacy to enforce religious laws and shit.

Mostly shit. It's not Europe universalis you know, excommunication doesn't work any more.

A 13-year-old girl who said she had been Molested was stoned to death in Somalia after being accused of adultery by Islamic militants, a human rights group said.

Dozens of men stoned Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow to death Oct. 27 in a stadium packed with 1,000 spectators in the southern port city of Kismayo, Amnesty International and Somali media reported, citing witnesses. The Islamic militia in charge of Kismayo had accused her of adultery after she reported that three men had Molested her, the rights group said.
In Syria, a girl was stoned to death for having a Facebook account.

    The girl, Fatoum Al-Jassem, was executed by a mob of Islamic extremists after being sentenced to death by a Sharia court.

Fucking arabs still live in medieval

So true.

Religion will die in the relative future anyway,

Civilization will not attain to its perfection until the last stone from the last church falls on the head of the last priest and bury this rabble.

Also, you achieve nothing arguing about these things

Maybe it will turn into nice drama :P
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