What Gurnison and Bagge said. Also, you seem to be not aware of the fact you got banned more than 25 times, and shouldn't laugh at a guy that is raging from time to time, since you are far from being perfect for the reason I stated before. Humiliating someone on forums that already got treated like that is just too much.
90% of those bans are from 2 years ago, when I was in bandits, other than that I paid the price by buying new keys, losing looms and high leveled characters, I paid the price of my actions.
And the reason I made this video, is just to show how much butthurt GTX really is, couple days ago me and McBeath, confronted GTX for leaving and then insta rejoining the server to reset his score , his response was that we are all mad that he is doing that and we are butthurt because of that, and then he proceeded bragging how much of a good player he is , you want to call me a douchebag for insulting people that deserve it, go ahead, wanna call me an idiot who rages all the time, go ahead, I am a lot of things, but being like GTX aint one.