
Do you want to see realistic version of cRPG?

Yes, and I will play it.
6 (18.2%)
Yes, and I will participate in making it's concept.
4 (12.1%)
I don't care.
10 (30.3%)
I am against that, will stay my arguemnts why.
13 (39.4%)

Total Members Voted: 33

Author Topic: Realistic version of balance  (Read 3900 times)

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Offline Baskakov_Dima

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Realistic version of balance
« on: April 21, 2014, 01:49:39 pm »
CRPG team has very good coders, it is perfectly balanced, at least more than Native, but in a matter of good balance it sacrificed realism, and is even less realistic than Native.

To prove that some people want it, I ask you at least to watch amount of posts in “Realism discussion” thread, full of ideas about realism.

So, my idea is not to try again forcing developers to sacrifice their perfect balance. I just want to suggest a deal between those who want realism (probably, trading some balance for that) and those who want perfectly balanced game: by making another version of the mod with very slight changes, mainly in weapon stats, that will make this game much more realistic.

The list of changes can be formed later, when both developers and a bunch of players agree to do something like that. The only thing that I can say for now is that if we doubt in something being needed or not needed, I will be able to test it in real life in historical martial arts organization.

UPD: Please, no more changes discussion. Do it in another topic. Just answer to the poll and discuss the ability to make it, not the balance.
UPD2: I pressed the wrong button and deleted the poll. Sorry for that, revote ic you want.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 02:12:54 pm by Baskakov_Dima »

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Re: Realistic version of balance
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2014, 02:01:11 pm »
No thanks.
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Offline Baskakov_Dima

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Re: Realistic version of balance
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2014, 02:20:03 pm »

Offline Adamar

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Re: Realistic version of balance
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2014, 03:00:16 pm »
Fear of the unknown.

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Re: Realistic version of balance
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2014, 03:07:07 pm »

Because the playerbase isn't big enough to be split up in two mods.
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Offline Adamar

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Re: Realistic version of balance
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2014, 04:10:43 pm »
Because the playerbase isn't big enough to be split up in two mods.

It wouldn't. Realism version would be awsome.

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Re: Realistic version of balance
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2014, 05:51:28 pm »
CRPG team has very good coders, it is perfectly balanced...[/b]

I've read enough

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Re: Realistic version of balance
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2014, 06:25:34 pm »
I am totally up with this !
The thing is,there is no such thing as "balanced battle" in real life. Not in medieval times,nor in modern. It was always unbalanced. That unbalance was the reason why technology advanced, people always came up with new ideas to overcome OP shits.
Arrow ---> Plate --->Bodkin Arrow
Lancer ---> Pikeman ---> Plated 2hander ---> Musket

Lots of examples could be given. Balancers killed this game by balancing this game by discarding reality. Want an example ? Cleaver has bonus against shield.

I would totally play realistic cRPG with all weapons have a crushthrough chance in correlation with their weight,lances being broken or stuck in the body once pierced into someone by a cav. Hugely increased glance chance to all armors starting with chain mail. Archery speed and damage buffed.
Armor for instance. In cRPG armor just reduces your incoming damage. This is bullshit,even chain mail is too damn hard to penetrate since flexibility of chains absorb the damage by spreading the force of impact to much greater space but in this game you can penetrate it with everything.
No hold blocks, there is no such thing as blocking without a shield it is fucking parry and it is basically striking your opponent's weapon to deflect the attack in other words,you change the incoming swing's direction to prevent any harm to you. Crossbow reload speed should be increased heavily,remove shield skill requirement to carry a damn shield. Heavily reduce long range accuracy of all ranged,add inaccurate but deadly indirect shots to ranged.More blood & gore for amusement !

Offline Adamar

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Re: Realistic version of balance
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2014, 07:19:39 pm »
mail - bodkin arrow - plate - arbalest

Realistically ranged would be really inefficient against plate armor from a distance, which would allow for tight formations of polearmers who would still be raped by realistically op cav gangs if they left formation and rushed.

Meanwhile the two melee forces approach each other with ever increasing danger from short range ranged and bolder cav, untill the two forces met each other and all hell broke loose. All the while ranged would be doing their best to take out enemy horses, so they might survive by the time melee infantry is too busy to give them couver. It's very possible to achieve this.


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Re: Realistic version of balance
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2014, 07:52:53 pm »
You can't create a truly realistic game in the M&B engine. It is a game that mimics medieval combat, not an attempt to realistically model the physics of fighting in real life.

Making the combat "more realistic" in crpg would make it less fun for most people. Even those who would like to try it would find lots of things frustrating and unenjoyable. It would also require a complete rework of all player stats and items from the ground up, and I don't think anyone wants to put that much effort into this idea.

The player population isn't large enough for two separate versions of CRPG.
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Re: Realistic version of balance
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2014, 08:07:22 pm »
Realism would destroy the mod me thinks. Whats with all the boners for realism anyways? Its still not going to be very realistic unless you completely change the mod, and then its probably going to be a steaming pile of dog poop anyways. Just changing some weapon stats wont really make the game more realistic.
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Re: Realistic version of balance
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2014, 08:23:35 pm »
You guys are being dogmatic. We want more realism because that's what we play this game for over the 100 other medieval games out there.

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Re: Realistic version of balance
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2014, 09:02:07 pm »
I play it because its a good mix of balance and some hints of realism compared to other games. More realism at the cost of balance is just poop.
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Offline Baskakov_Dima

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Re: Realistic version of balance
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2014, 09:46:23 pm »
Fear of the unknown.
I will say it once more - if developers agree, everyone is able to discuss the concept, you too. And if we doubt in something, we test it in real life.

Because the playerbase isn't big enough to be split up in two mods.

1) It can grow - if you invite people to play cRPG with realistic balance, they will come.
2) It is big enough now to take some players for tests

I've read enough

I will translate a very interesting quote from a russian free-to-play RPG: "If everyone is complaining about being always killed and everyone else always being OP, game is balanced". Understood? But in order to balance it the game sacrificed it's realism.

I am totally up with this !
The thing is,there is no such thing as "balanced battle" in real life. Not in medieval times,nor in modern. It was always unbalanced. That unbalance was the reason why technology advanced, people always came up with new ideas to overcome OP shits.
Arrow ---> Plate --->Bodkin Arrow
Lancer ---> Pikeman ---> Plated 2hander ---> Musket

Lots of examples could be given. Balancers killed this game by balancing this game by discarding reality. Want an example ? Cleaver has bonus against shield.

I would totally play realistic cRPG with all weapons have a crushthrough chance in correlation with their weight,lances being broken or stuck in the body once pierced into someone by a cav. Hugely increased glance chance to all armors starting with chain mail. Archery speed and damage buffed.
Armor for instance. In cRPG armor just reduces your incoming damage. This is bullshit,even chain mail is too damn hard to penetrate since flexibility of chains absorb the damage by spreading the force of impact to much greater space but in this game you can penetrate it with everything.
No hold blocks, there is no such thing as blocking without a shield it is fucking parry and it is basically striking your opponent's weapon to deflect the attack in other words,you change the incoming swing's direction to prevent any harm to you. Crossbow reload speed should be increased heavily,remove shield skill requirement to carry a damn shield. Heavily reduce long range accuracy of all ranged,add inaccurate but deadly indirect shots to ranged.More blood & gore for amusement !

You actually don't understand the concept of Medieval Warfare. Sorry. And I suggest to discuss list of changes later, when we receive any feedback from developers.
But I will show you your mistakes.

1) Lances were brought to Europe with Crusades, they were not invented in Europe. Before that, Europe used spears on horseback, they were shorter and much heavier.
2) Cavalry was OP not only due to a lance. For you to know, in Ancient times cavalry was at first armed with darts and throwing spears, then it began to hit with a spear - but not thrusting forward, thrust was directed from up to down. And it WAS OP against undisciplined armies.
3) In ranged it was like "Broadhead arrows - Chainmail - Bodkins and crossbows - Brigandine from middle distances, plate from any distances - Crossbows and plates becoming heavier and heavier, but slowly - Firearms-Heavy plates". Then, when firearms received ability to penetrate even the heaviest plate, became more accurate etc. etc, Medieval Warfare actually ends, and it goes for the next step, which was tried to be covered in WFAS. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Pavia - it was the end of Medieval combat. The problem also was, that horses were almost always protected worse than the rider, which allowed to kill the horse to dismount the rider and sworm him as you see tincans swormed on DTV.
It is not a precise explanation of Medieval Combat history, only a brief one, as you have to read many books to understand it fully, but it will give you at least some notes.
4) You are right that armour must give you better protection - it could even be done with Warband engine, you should just work with armour stats. But you are wrong about deflecting swings. You actually can just block a swing, not deflect it, especially if your weapon is slower than opponent's. Deflections are represented in chamberblocks, that allow you to parry a swing and immediately hit back, even if you are just a spamming bot, lol. But some weapons are impossible to be just blocked. Better to say, some attacks, I mean thrusts. You can easily block it with a shield, but with all other weapons you will need to deflect it. In real life it is also possible to hold opponent's pole and stop his swings if you catch it, but it is hard. When dueling against spearmen with a shield and a short sword, I charge them fastly while crouching and protecting myself with a shield, then I drop the shield, catch the pole and rape them with my sword.
5) About chainmail. It is an armour against arrows, especially arrows fored from far distances. It does NOT give full protection against swords, but it gives some. For example, from a deflected swing that still reached you due to some reason.

mail - bodkin arrow - plate - arbalest

Realistically ranged would be really inefficient against plate armor from a distance, which would allow for tight formations of polearmers who would still be raped by realistically op cav gangs if they left formation and rushed.

Meanwhile the two melee forces approach each other with ever increasing danger from short range ranged and bolder cav, untill the two forces met each other and all hell broke loose. All the while ranged would be doing their best to take out enemy horses, so they might survive by the time melee infantry is too busy to give them couver. It's very possible to achieve this.

True, but also not precise. The precise balance will be discussed later, after some feedback of developers.

You can't create a truly realistic game in the M&B engine. It is a game that mimics medieval combat, not an attempt to realistically model the physics of fighting in real life.

Making the combat "more realistic" in crpg would make it less fun for most people. Even those who would like to try it would find lots of things frustrating and unenjoyable. It would also require a complete rework of all player stats and items from the ground up, and I don't think anyone wants to put that much effort into this idea.

The player population isn't large enough for two separate versions of CRPG.

To be more precise, it is totally impossible to make a truly realistic RPG at all, but it is possible to make a very close to real life fights game - and also possible to give cleaver bonus against shields.
And if noone wants to do that, I can - I study history in Moscow State University, and I do fencing in real life.

The balance of ranged and everyone else will be discussed later.

Realism would destroy the mod me thinks. Whats with all the boners for realism anyways? Its still not going to be very realistic unless you completely change the mod, and then its probably going to be a steaming pile of dog poop anyways. Just changing some weapon stats wont really make the game more realistic.

Oh, really? We will watch it later, I will show you that it is possible. Just give Katana 255 damage, it could easily slice a plate-armour knight, that is why Samurai had so bad armour. And add "Bonus against Longsword" to Katana.

I play it because its a good mix of balance and some hints of realism compared to other games. More realism at the cost of balance is just poop.

It is not just realism in a cost of completely unbalanced gameplay. It is realism that is balanced after being made realism. So it is harder to balance it, but not impossible.

Please, no more changes discussion. Do it in another topic.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 02:10:12 pm by Baskakov_Dima »

Offline Adamar

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Re: Realistic version of balance
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2014, 10:14:20 pm »
I play it because its a good mix of balance and some hints of realism compared to other games. More realism at the cost of balance is just poop.

It would be a different kind of balance. The game is stuck in an unending spiral of nerfs and tears because certain concepts where introduced wrong to begin with. You're afraid of the change because you think you might lose something, but each class would be winning a lot too if we where all willing to learn new things with the same engine.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2014, 10:37:35 pm by Adamar »