IMO strat player numbers have reached the point where filling a roster of 51 players for both sides just seems unlikely.
I think the best solution would be to decrease the battle sizes to 31 vs 31 (but give both sides the option to select 51 vs 51, both sides have to select it) and reduce the total number of tickets on the field by 40% (as well as ticket producing capabilities by 40%), to compensate.
In my experience this strategus, UIF has been able to fill almost every roster, whilst anyone who opposes the UIF seems unable to .. it's unfortunate
I'm not trying to complain about the UIF, but the lack of enemies you have this strat is the main reason we suicide charged you, there is no one that can stand up to you, you've basically won .. last strategus it made sense, and even all of the strategus's before that, for you to be a mighty UIF alliance, when you had the giant Templar block, and after that the giant Coalition block, but now your alliance is simply pointless. We were the third or fourth strongest clan on the map, we attacked only one of you (grey's didn't even help, if they'd helped it would have been over in 1 day) and lasted what, 3 days
The problem is, and I know you've heard it again and again;
You have no enemies, no threats, there is no reason for the two strongest clans in the game, which individually would stand a chance of wiping every other clan from the map, to be in an alliance.
Like I say, i'm not trying to complain but at this point it just seems like an inevitable truth.
on that note i think that the trading system in strategus really forces block alliances; in order to trade efficiently you need a trading partner who is approximately the same size as your faction in terms of villages, so if greys and drz went to war they would both have to trade with a multitude of clans instead of just one, which believe me, is Extremely difficult to organise, it's a bit of silly system IMO