Isn't that exactly what you're doing by refusing to take any responsibility for Strat 5 being a steaming pile of crap?
'You lame Western Europeans just cant take responsibility for anything, unlike us Russians who have not done anything wrong'. I'm sure you can hear the irony in that?
Just before Strat everyone was saying 'I hope this won't just be one fucking lol-block, cos that will kill strat' and UIF all said 'Good joke, learn to play noobs'.
When Strat started we all said 'I hope this won't just be one fucking lol-block, cos that will kill strat' and UIF all said 'Good joke, learn to play noobs'.
Then as things went on we realize this is a fucking lol-block and we can't be fucked to play and suddenly UIF all say 'PLEASE MAKE A BLOCK, STOP BEING BORING, WE WANT YOU TO PLAY HOW WE WANT!!!! QQ QQ QQ!!! LET US SHOW YOU HOW GREAT WE ARE, YOU'VE RUINED STRAT!!! THE USSR IS BLAME-FREE!!! TOTALLY TOTALLY BLAME FREE, ALSO YOU GUYS DONT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELVES!!! DID I MENTION THAT UIF ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS?!' Maybe if you hadn't been fucktards before and at the beginning of strat we wouldn't have reached this point? Maybe if you'd listened and taken some fucking responsibility yourself things would be different.
It's like talking to a brick wall, or more accurately it's like talking to an iron curtain. Chairman Wow over here honestly can't see that UIF is in some way responsible for this? Mmmm, so we'd all have gotten tired and given up if we'd been fighting against factions our own size? Face it, you're the only ones acting surprised that this happened, we made numerous appeals to you to make this interesting over the last months, many Greys and friends of UIF also saw the logic in this, you didnt, and now you get your reward, deal with it Ruski cos everyone apart from you can see that this is your problem now and not ours.
We're done telling you how to play, when we can be fucked again we'll have our own wars and play our way and do what we want, you can play how you want too, if you can find a faction who'll bother to fill their roster lol. So we aren't going to tell you how to play, now kindly piss off and stop telling us how to play.
no man, you just can't make it out.
forget it
I didn't read 70% of your very expressive message, don't bother yourself nextime doing it once again, please.
have fun
Zaharist, with all the respect I can muster, because I do respect you - all the argumentation about who to blame is useless, wont go nowhere wont solve anything. I am not blaming you for the situation at hand, nor the DRZ or the UIF - I say you have the key to solve this, nothing more nothing less.
UIF solution:
*** "Unite all clans outside the UIF, get organised, get better, get active"
*** Chance of success: 1%
*** Result: none
*** Game: dead since no solution can be reached
*** Difficulty: Impossible
*** Problems: WE CANT
Our solution:
*** Break up the strongest alliance on the map
*** Chance of success: 100%
*** Result: two large factions fighting, backed up by several small factions that would join in the war on each side
*** Game: Resurrected for this round - perhaps for next aswell
*** Difficulty: easy
*** Problems: UIF DOESNT WANT TO
I know you view this the same way, everyone that knows diddely squat about strategus knows this - this far we can all agree
So, I wont say its your fault that you wont go for the solution that would solve the situation, you have your reasons for it Im sure, I dont think they are logical from my point of view but I respect them.. You cant really blame us for not being able to solve it either - cause in our defence - we at least did try to solve it while you havent.
And here we stand, still the same problem and no solution in sight. You hold the key, we dont - and if you dont use it there will be no good round of strategus.
Anyway most useless thing is to blame someone instead of having fun or doing smth to have it.
You know I agree with you and I don't support an idea of forming any kind of UIF again and again, but I'm playing very rarely and I'm in no position in DRZ or UIF to make any decisions on this matter.
I don't really know the reasons why DRZ and GO don't go fighting each other.
I can understand reasons why they don't want to do it for "anti-uifers", but I don't understand why do they refuse to accept this challenge for their own fun.
If antiuifers could stop finding excuses and blaming anyone else, may be they could stop doing same mistakes over and over again.
Equipping, attacking, timing, trading, fief management etc
You will hardly ever see DRZ losing their 1,5-2k army to nothing due to some stupid failures, but their foes keep doing it since Strat 1.
Or DRZ attacking with 2,5k army equipped with only 400 heavy body armors and 2100 naked guys. Have you seen DRZ army with amount of bows/xbows equal to amount of arrows/bolts? Have you seen DRZ's unprepared attacks, without supplies, blocking armies? On the other hand most of antuifers still fail at it. And never learn from their mistakes, cause they are faultless - the reason is UIF. UIF being too big and grinding too much.
In general, UIF is hypercorrect, while their foes continue playing their favourite "Russian giveaway" game.
Zaharist you are beating a dead horse
anti UIF has tried big bloc its tried defend the castles its tried pretty much everything and nothing worked.
Why it works for UIF, but didn't work for antiUIFers?
Guess it's "mentality".
What I'm trying to say is that there are always "both sides" responsible.
Everytime, no matter what happens, everyone involved is responsible for the result.
I'm not "defending" UIF at all.