1. Name of your character involved : Panos
2. Name of offending character(s) : Manne_Del_Shitlord
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible : EU1, the incidents happened during various game sessions of mine.
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after : Manne is a baddy like Hemmoroid, he challenged me to a duel with a 300k gold bet, he lost 5-0 and then he refused to pay, whining that my polearm is op compared to his stabby 1h sword. The last days, he keeps asking me for a rematch, but this time we should put a +3 item on the line, which I would accept since Manne is bad, but the thing is that I want my 300k gold first, because I don`t trust that shitlord, hearing that I want my gold first Manne keeps calling me a coward and keeps telling that I avoid duelling him.
I`m ok with getting trolled and even get insulted, but that shitlord fucks my game sessions, Teamhits me, Poll kicks me for no reason, bumps me near enemy cavarly.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did. : Mad cause bad, butthurt.
6. Multiple Screenshots
Double bump near incoming enemy cavalry (he`s the guy on the white horse)
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loginThis happened 2 days ago, my team died and I was the last one alive with 25% health, so I proceed to hide because the flags were already up and that shitlotd poll kicked me.
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loginShooting me with his xbow near the spawn
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loginRandom teamhits during mid round
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login7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.*