Problem is, this all issue is just drama.
As much as i'd love to se all macro users and people messing up with the graphics with super pink bright colors, you just can't prove it.
"Hey, he shot me while i was in a bush, no way he could have seen me, he cheated and deleted all the bush meshes ! Ban he !"
"I was running behind him, quite silently, and he suddenly turned and slashed me ! He has eyes on his back (or a second monitor with perma "back look") Cheating ! Ban he !"
"The folk is obviously using macro feinting, look at all thoses feints, four hours straight. After 2h of duel, my hands get sour, who is this bot ? BAN !"
So, sorry Thomek, this is just, unfortunately, you in the wrong. I certainly do hope M:BG will not allow such pesky users to gain any kind of advantage, or be able to detect and ban them. But in Crpg, it's just impossible.
And ultimately, i'm amazed how Qoray think that posting one video of one duel, lasting one minute, with some feints, proves that he's not using macros in general.
Thomek can't prove that you're guilty, but you also can't prove that you're innocent. Sorry dude. Not that it would change anything.
There's still around 3 users that i despise since i believe they're using macros, with feints faster than the "bit harder than casual" one's that Qoray showed in his video, but who cares. I'm using a bow, and boy do i love shooting all those great presumably-cheating Gods. Of course, you'll see them complaining of range on forums afterwards, but that's another story.
Finally, i don't understand why this dozens of people want Thomek banned. Do you really believe life in Crpg will be better without him as an Eu admin ? If yes, then you're a prick who hates ninja, a cheater, or a delayer. Your call. We already have so few admins active, and you'll want to remove one.
Incoming IRC complaints : "Send someone on EU-1 please, we need someone banned."