Author Topic: [UNBAN]Raibow_Jeor_Greystark... don't even know why?  (Read 253 times)

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Offline Goramold

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[UNBAN]Raibow_Jeor_Greystark... don't even know why?
« on: March 11, 2014, 04:11:09 pm »

I turned on the PC and I decided to play a bit. I tried to join EU2 and I saw: You are banned from the server (in purple/pink letters). I can't join any official server.

The reason... I don't even know... I was playing, and don't know if it helps but... I was hitting the floor while walking to the walls, and accidentally hit a Druzhina_Saint_Stronk or something like that. He then said: GAY SPAMMER UNINSTALL GAME. And more insults.

I considered that offensive as it was homophobic and teamkilled him. Then he was talking about why can't I ban this guy...

All of this happened but I kept playing and all was as usual, then I had to go and today starts the ban thing.

I repeat, I don't even know why I got banned?

The time I was banned... I don't know.

I repeat, I know NOTHING.

So please, can I ask you if you could remove my ban and if I could know why I got banned?

EDIT: I am banned with my alt White_Hand_Archer too.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 04:21:14 pm by Goramold »

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Re: [UNBAN]Raibow_Jeor_Greystark... don't even know why?
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2014, 04:38:34 pm »
I joined the server and right after saw you teamkilling at spawn. After that you instantly quit. Ban will run out in 4 hours. Don't teamkill.